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I just ordered an Incredible and I am v. nervous

This isn't the cheapest option, but if you want the best of both worlds, get the latest itouch, and tether your Incredible (or Droid) for a connection on the itouch when other wifi isn't available. Then, you get the "fun" and many apps/games of the iPhone, AND you get a phone that actually works well as a phone on a network that is actually reliable and consistent.
I guess what bothers me is the lack of apps. I've poked around and most of the apps I want (I am getting this phone for fun, not to run some imaginary office I don't have) aren't availble (This American Life, NYT, Hipstomatic, etc) for Droids. I get the issues surrounding flash and Apple in general, but it seems like iPhones are more fun.

If that bothered you then why didn't you buy an iPhone? Perhaps you didn't want AT&T? I don't get it, what are you looking to get out of this thread?

Calm down hook; dont think he is trolling. He is asking the question many I know are asking. There are people who want verizon and the verizon iphone. Apple has not made the announcement official. There are people who love the iphone and do not know whether to wait for it or give android a try.

To the Op here is what i would do. Get it and play with it for 30 days; if it is not waht you want return it and wait for the iphone.
I guess what bothers me is the lack of apps. I've poked around and most of the apps I want (I am getting this phone for fun, not to run some imaginary office I don't have) aren't availble (This American Life, NYT, Hipstomatic, etc) for Droids. I get the issues surrounding flash and Apple in general, but it seems like iPhones are more fun.

Depends on your idea of fun, of course, but if you're looking for a fully polished consumer device that has a virtually unlimited set of games and a gaming platform well suited to support them, you're going to be disappointed in the Android platform and probably in the Incredible. On the other hand, if your idea of fun is looking at porn on a small screen, you're better off with an Android device.

There is simply no getting around the fact that the Android platform is still a hacker's paradise. That's much less true of the Incredible than the Droid, but the iPhone has at least 2.5 to 3 times more applications than Android devices and they're uniformly better vetted.

As you can no doubt tell, what upsets many of the folks here is that their idea of fun is customizing their phones (some apparently feel this is a long-term hobby) and Android devices are far better for this purpose than the iPhone.

Having said all that, if you're a committed Verizon customer, I wouldn't advise you to wait for the iPhone to show up. If it is finally coming to Verizon, my guess is that it will be the 4th generation version and it's unlikely to show up on any CDMA carrier until well after it's available on GSM networks.
No, I'm def not trolling (and I am a lady, btw :p). The issue for me is Verizon service. I am going to be moving to rural Norcal and I need the best reception I can get. Heck, I live in NYC and I don't want all that iPhone dropped call mess people get here. I just want to be reassured that I am not making a huge mistake. I was tired of waiting for the Verizon iPhone and I dropped my trusty qwerty phone in the tub. You Droid people are hardcore and I am sure you coud give me guidence/point me in the right direciton. :)
With Verizon going to LTE in less than a year, it is highly unlikely that apple will produce a CDMA iphone. OP made the right decision.
Have you looked at the Palm Pre Plus? They have awesome deals on that right now. You'll get Verizon's reliability, some of the slickness of the iPhone OS, and better gaming ability. It's really cheap, so it could be a good "filler" until the next great phone comes out - or the iPhone, by some strange chance, actually shows up at Verizon.

If you don't care about any of the stuff all of us nerds care about, I'd definitely check out the Pre Plus.
I have never had an IPhone, so I can't give you a different between the two, however the market for apps is a HUGE deal and right now Apple holds that key for mass and quality.

The iPhone has been out for much longer than even the android platform, so it only makes sense that apple isdoing it better at this point. Given more time our apps will pick up, look at the support companies are already giving android phones.

The incredible is going to be a good phone, the moto droid is a good phone.

Right now, we have do much potential ahead of us and it's only going to get better.

You didn't make a mistake, but it's understandable why you are nervous. The iphone is still a great device and will be for a long time to come, but the market is changing and you can expect to see more support for android phones as time goes on.
I guess what bothers me is the lack of apps. I've poked around and most of the apps I want (I am getting this phone for fun, not to run some imaginary office I don't have) aren't availble (This American Life, NYT, Hipstomatic, etc) for Droids. I get the issues surrounding flash and Apple in general, but it seems like iPhones are more fun.

If that bothered you then why didn't you buy an iPhone? Perhaps you didn't want AT&T? I don't get it, what are you looking to get out of this thread?

Calm down hook; dont think he is trolling. He is asking the question many I know are asking. There are people who want verizon and the verizon iphone. Apple has not made the announcement official. There are people who love the iphone and do not know whether to wait for it or give android a try.

To the Op here is what i would do. Get it and play with it for 30 days; if it is not waht you want return it and wait for the iphone.

I didn't know I wasn't calmed down. If it appeared that way, I sure didn't mean to. I seriously wanted to know what the OP was looking to get out of the thread, I didn't intend to say they were trolling.

He really can't do that. You have 3 days to back out of your contract, after that your stuck and you can't go to AT&T without paying the contract fee.
The droid, like the iphone serves diff people diff ways. There are people who hack the iphone and there are people who just want it to do simple tasks. We have the same thing here with the droid. As a user it depends what is more important to you. I think the incredible will be a nice bridge for people wanting the simplicity of the iphone with the customization of the android.
With that said: some people just want games, apps, and a phone. All the customization stuff is not as important. If you seriously wanting the iphone you can do a couple of things.
1) go att
2) get the droid; root for wifi tethering, then get an ipod touch.
3) just wait it out.

There are people I know agonizing over what to do. Some are waiting it out wishing apple and verizon would just come out and make a decision and at least give users a ball park when it will be released if they decide to get it.
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+1 for using the Incredible for phone and getting addicted to Android functionality, and getting an iPod touch to keep your preferred apps on hand.

After all, you must be saving on cost of living by moving from NYC to rural NorCal. ;)