I just thought of something the Nexus is missing....

Hopefully they work on it a little more. Huge improvement over previous browser though
Probably my favorite thing about the Nexus is the browser and just how quick it is. Chrome is my favorite browser because of it's incredible speed, but I'll take this current one for now=P. I think they could improve the bookmark functions, having to tap twice and then having the folders all over the place is a bit of a mess, but the browser itself is the best I've used.
Probably my favorite thing about the Nexus is the browser and just how quick it is. Chrome is my favorite browser because of it's incredible speed, but I'll take this current one for now=P. I think they could improve the bookmark functions, having to tap twice and then having the folders all over the place is a bit of a mess, but the browser itself is the best I've used.
Hands down the quickest browser I've seen on a mobile device. Ran it in 4g mode against the TB, Charge, and a Razr. Turned on 3g only and compared it to the 4s, Incredible, OG Droid, and a D3. I cleared the cache of all devices and the Nexus won every time.:hail:
ics browser + is worth checking out from the market if you like the stock browser's side touch controls.

it gives you way more options, like direct to book marks and default to desktop, as well as page down with the volume keys. which I like.. all that's missing is the old zoom buttons. add those and i'd be set.
Hands down the quickest browser I've seen on a mobile device. Ran it in 4g mode against the TB, Charge, and a Razr. Turned on 3g only and compared it to the 4s, Incredible, OG Droid, and a D3. I cleared the cache of all devices and the Nexus won every time.:hail:

You guys say this browser is fast. I guess I just don't see it. Doesn't seem faster than any other phone to me.

Maybe its my unit.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
You guys say this browser is fast. I guess I just don't see it. Doesn't seem faster than any other phone to me.

Maybe its my unit.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

Like I said I ran it against other devices and that's what I saw. Fast for me may not be fast for you. I upgraded from a Dinc for reference.

Like I said I ran it against other devices and that's what I saw. Fast for me may not be fast for you. I upgraded from a Dinc for reference.

Not saying you are wrong.

I come from an iPhone well I still have a 4. I'll do a comparison and let you know what I think

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
You guys say this browser is fast. I guess I just don't see it. Doesn't seem faster than any other phone to me.

Maybe its my unit.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

Could be that I am overclocked and running a custom rom.
Not saying you are wrong.

I come from an iPhone well I still have a 4. I'll do a comparison and let you know what I think

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Oh no I wasn't taking it as you saying I'm wrong, no worries!

I just posted that video for others to see as well. Some people like to actually see it happen instead of being told it happened.

Let us know what you find in your comparison, looking forward to hearing what you think.
Oh no I wasn't taking it as you saying I'm wrong, no worries!

I just posted that video for others to see as well. Some people like to actually see it happen instead of being told it happened.

Let us know what you find in your comparison, looking forward to hearing what you think.

Sorry I'm getting back to this so later. But the very first site test I ran the iPhone won. But the next 3 the nexus won. Same wireless connection etc.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

Like I said I ran it against other devices and that's what I saw. Fast for me may not be fast for you. I upgraded from a Dinc for reference.

Off topic, but is that the verge app (top left)? I don't see it in the android market, just a the verge wrapper.