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I simply can not get by a day without the extended fact I will usually have to plus it in by the time I get home because it is around 10% left. I use the one cover that verizon was selling and it accomdated the extended battery alreasy so it wasnt much of a difference to me. I dont know if I am just that much of a ridiculous power user or what but my battery drains so freaking quickly.
I simply can not get by a day without the extended fact I will usually have to plus it in by the time I get home because it is around 10% left. I use the one cover that verizon was selling and it accomdated the extended battery alreasy so it wasnt much of a difference to me. I dont know if I am just that much of a ridiculous power user or what but my battery drains so freaking quickly.
I can't make it through a full day on the standard battery either. I either have to plug in while I'm at work (left a USB cable there plugged into the computer) or swap batteries when I get home. I know some people like the extra weight of the extended, I thought I did too at first, but it got to a point where I couldn't stand it. The option of either plugging in during the day or swapping in a fresh battery when I get home works great for me now. I'm sure some others wouldn't like it though.