I think I'm going to upgrade from my bionic


Feb 21, 2010
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
With the rezound being only $50 i am really close to taking the plunge to it. From the thunderbolt to the bionic, part of me has missed HTC. Free earbuds are an added p
I want ics, and it seems there are some stable roms running ics for the rezound, so i wanted to see what people thought of the available roms and ics leaks are best. Also, anyone from the bionic to the rezound i would like a comparison in your experience. I know all the spec for spec differences. Worst case scenario, i can sell this for $200 at least on cl, and come out on top by far
Isn't the Bionic better?

I mean the Rezound is basically just a slightly upgraded version of the Thunderbolt (not much difference)
My uncle just bought the deal and i like it better than my Razr honestly. But I couldnt see upgrading from a Bionic. The Bionic is not that old. There will be newer flagship devices in a couple months. Our phones are almost old in the smartphone world. You saw how quickly your Bionic got replaced. You will be pist to see you new phone get passed in tech so quickly.

I could see a new HTC coming in minimum of 6 months at most. But the Rezound is a great phone nonetheless.
I went from the Bionic to the Rezound. I went the ebay route. I was so happy to get rid of the Bionic. I missed hTC and I can honestly say that I have not missed my Bionic once. $50 is an awesome price for the Rezound. You have to decide if you want to wait for the next hTC that comes out and spend $300 or buy the Rezound for $50. I would buy the Rezound again but that's just me. I have had zero problems with the Rezound. No data drops at all. I had grown accustomed to using my phones camera since I always have it with me but the Bionic's camera is horrible. If you have any questions about comparing or anything I'll try and answer your questions.
I went from the thunderbolt to the rezound, and then back. Don't get me wrong, the rezound is a great device. I loved it. It really is a great phone and all.......but it wasn't a huge step up from my bolt. I found myself missing the little things about my bolt......especially the kickstand. I know it isn't much but that is a good deal your talking about for a product that definitely is a great phone.

sent from my rezound powered thunderbolt!!!
I went from an Inc2 to Bionic to Rezound. Inc2 and Rezound are great. Zero problems for me. The Bionic dropped data everyday and development straight sucks for the Bionic. I will never ever buy another Moto again. They view their customers as peons. HTC has served me well so far. Data connections, performance, screen, development, are all good on the Rezound for me.
I went from the Bionic to the Rezound. I went the ebay route. I was so happy to get rid of the Bionic. I missed hTC and I can honestly say that I have not missed my Bionic once. $50 is an awesome price for the Rezound. You have to decide if you want to wait for the next hTC that comes out and spend $300 or buy the Rezound for $50. I would buy the Rezound again but that's just me. I have had zero problems with the Rezound. No data drops at all. I had grown accustomed to using my phones camera since I always have it with me but the Bionic's camera is horrible. If you have any questions about comparing or anything I'll try and answer your questions.

Thanks for the response. Assuming your usage didn't change from one phone to the next, how would the rezound compare in battery life to the bionic. IMO the bionic is worse than the thunderbolt was. I could almost always squeeze most of the day out of the bolt, but the bionic needs charged at least 1-2 times a day with both batteries I've had. I'd like to shy away from extended batteries, the size difference doesn't make it with it to me. Also, did data speeds stay the same or were they faster on the rezound?
Isn't the Bionic better?

I mean the Rezound is basically just a slightly upgraded version of the Thunderbolt (not much difference)

Bionic is not better than the rezound in any sense of the word. The bionic screen is not close to the rezound, it has a locked bootloader, no stable ics roms, drops data frequently. The only thing the bionic has that the rezound doesn't is hdmi out, but you can get an adapter for rezound for hdmi out. The rezound processor is clocked 50% faster than the bionic as well.
I mean the Rezound is basically just a slightly upgraded version of the Thunderbolt (not much difference)

Not really.

CPU: Thunderbolt: S2 SnapDragon; ReZound: S3 SnapDragon.
GPU: Thunderbolt: Adreno 205; ReZound: Adreno 220
RAM: Thunderbolt: 768MB DDR; ReZound: 1GB DDR2
Display: Thunderbolt: 4.3" WVGA 215 ppi; ReZound: 4.3" HD 341 ppi
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Droid, Google search "bionic vs Rezound users perspective." A thread I made for this very occasion. I'm on my phone so I can't post the link, should be the first thing to come up though.

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