So I flashed the leak yesterday and the only bug I found that my phone doesn't read correct battery percentage. After I was done setting up my apps, my battery dropped to 20% from 60%. I decided to reboot phone. After it rebooted, my battery quickly dropped to 1%...sigh. so I charged it overnight for 8 hours. The next day I decided to factory reset my phone when it was at 80% charge, after factory reset was complete, my phone booted up with 100% charge lol. So I just used the phone throughout the day. When I got to 45% I decided to reboot, it booted up with 20%...lmao. so I booted right away and this time it came back with 1%....sigh. I've been using my phone at 1% for two hours now. I have no idea what to do. I think this question should be directed to FoxKat
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