ICS OTA Rolling out for everyone starting tonight.

So I am on day 2 of ICS and Yahoo started working today, so it did take a day to "settle in". My big problem I have is I can't get to any of my media. Pictures/Videos or Music do not work at all. If I click on Gallery, or Music, or try to get to any sound ring tones, the Bionic just freezes. I tried installing Real and PowerAmp to see if they would work, but they hang too. Any ideas?
BTW, the install did take a long time and hung after it completed to where I had to pop the battery, but the install seems fine for the most part, very fast. Also my Bionic is running at 1200 which is killing my battery in about 2 to 4 hours.
To fix your music and gallery, go into manage apps, then force stop them and clear their cache/data from there. That fixed my problem. For some reason doing recovery and clearing the app cache didn't work by itself, but clearing the data manually in app management did. I even had to do this to beautiful widgets and the docking programs, and they all worked one by one after doing that.
To fix your music and gallery, go into manage apps, then force stop them and clear their cache/data from there. That fixed my problem. For some reason doing recovery and clearing the app cache didn't work by itself, but clearing the data manually in app management did. I even had to do this to beautiful widgets and the docking programs, and they all worked one by one after doing that.
I tried that and it did not work.
THis time though when I try to go to my Gallery it prompts with the Data Usage pop up, but I can't click OK, and the Bionic gives a warning that the App is not responding and do I want to Kill it or wait. Music does this too.
Any other Ideas?
I also had that come up the first time after clearing the cache, and I hit wait. It took almost a minute before it could click ok. It was definitely sluggish the first time or two, but then it sorted itself out. Sorry, not much help :(
I also had that come up the first time after clearing the cache, and I hit wait. It took almost a minute before it could click ok. It was definitely sluggish the first time or two, but then it sorted itself out. Sorry, not much help :(
Ok, I went in and stopped a few other things, and then did a shutdown and then popped the battery. After powering it back up, I let it sit for a few minutes for all the apps and processes to start up, and then tried a few things. I was able to get past the Data usage message and was able to take a picture and see it in the Gallery and hear a ring tone. The only problem is the Gallery and Music arent seeing my pictures and music that are there, only new stuff. Any ideas on how to get it to scan the external and internal sd cards?
Ok, I went in and stopped a few other things, and then did a shutdown and then popped the battery. After powering it back up, I let it sit for a few minutes for all the apps and processes to start up, and then tried a few things. I was able to get past the Data usage message and was able to take a picture and see it in the Gallery and hear a ring tone. The only problem is the Gallery and Music arent seeing my pictures and music that are there, only new stuff. Any ideas on how to get it to scan the external and internal sd cards?

Wahoo! It took a little more time and then it found everything on its own! Thanks for the help summortuus! I think the key on the ICS upgrade is time, just give it a lttle time, and clear out cache and it will all work. I still can't believe the speed increase from 1 x 2 to 1.2 x 2 is killing the battery so fast. Has this gotten better with time too?
Sweet! I let my battery go to full charge and then to full drain and it seems to be better. Also been playing with the new smart actions app, which seems to be working pretty well.
TonyBoD said:
OK - 1 last problem is that my Yahoo mail account won't sync because it keeps saying I have a bad username/password - works just fine on all other platforms but ICS says it is invalid - joy!
I had the exact same problem for the first day. That night I shut the phone down and then plugged in the charger. The next morning I unplugged the charger, booted back up, waited about 30 minutes for everything to settle in, opened my Yahoo mail, and everything was there. No problems since.
Is Anyone Else Having Issues With There Screen Moving By Itself On Ice Cream Sandwich?
Wahoo! It took a little more time and then it found everything on its own! Thanks for the help summortuus! I think the key on the ICS upgrade is time, just give it a lttle time, and clear out cache and it will all work. I still can't believe the speed increase from 1 x 2 to 1.2 x 2 is killing the battery so fast. Has this gotten better with time too?

And to answer my own question, the battery life now has gotten better than it was before the upgrade to ICS. Instead of plugging it in every 2 to 3 hours after the upgrade to ICS no matter what, I am at over 75% battery life for the day, and it has been on the battery since this morning at 7 am! Very much a time will fix most everything on the ICS Bionc!
Kick ASS!
:icon_ banana:
It's peanut butter jelly time!

P.S. I am upto a benchmark speed of 5998! Using Anntutu's benchmark
Recieved the ICS update on my son's Bionic. Had to do a factory reset because it kept getting an error message. So far so good, hope the Bionic bugs are gone for good.

Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Droid Forums
One bug I've had -- I changed the default notification. Everything started using it as it should...but I decided I don't like that notification and now when I try to change it, it stays that way for a bit, but then all the sudden I'll hear the sound again and go check the settings to see it has reset to the first one I picked.