If you are considering an extended battery just do it!


Sep 28, 2010
Reaction score
So I have been kinda sitting on the fence with the whole extended battery thing. It didn't use to be that big of a deal but lately it has started to annoy me. I didn't buy this phone expecting spectacular battery. That would be like buying a jeep wrangler and expecting good gas mileage. The other day I saw a TBolt with an extended battery and didn't thing it was that bad. It didn't add that much bulk, considering this is already a huge phone. So I went to Verizon and they said the extended battery was on sale, it was only $19.00.

I am soooo glad I got this. I unplugged this morning at about 5am and had moderate usage all day, watched a view videos, played on Facebook, had several phone calls. With the stock battery my phone would be dead by now. It's now almost 9pm and I am at 69%. I don't know how I lived without this battery.

Sent from my DroidBolt using ThunderForums
Except for the added bulk.... Anyone coming to this thread now should be aware of the "Rezound battery craze".

For many of us, a little "kick" to the current battery life of the TB is all we need to be reasonably content.. Until recently the only option wthe extended battery. We hated the bulk, but we bought 'em up anyway, knowing it was a better deal than the 1750mAh for the same price from Seidio.

But now, for those of us who hate bulk and spending money, there's the HTC Rezound stock battery. For perhaps the first time ever, HTC put a deccent-sized battery in one of their Sensible (see what I did there :p) phones, and go figure, it fits the Thunderbolt perfectly!

There are threads all over telling stories of appropriate battery life and no bulk, so go, Google to your heart's content!

Scored mine for just over $10 on Amazon, I recommend OEM Planet.
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I agree that the bulk is annoying, but I am loving the battery life! I no longer have to be careful what I do to prevent my battery from dying during the day.
