If you having battery problems I feel bad for you son...

Wifi is my best friend at home for sure. Saves lots of power usage.

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A solid chunk of that was actually on 4g, and I get about 2 bars of it.

Put the phone on wifi before I went to bed.

under 2 hours of screen time?

thats some awesome Stand by power. Now kindly use the phone before starting to boast. :icon_ devil:

color me unimpressed
On Friday, I got almost 17 hours out of the phone and 3 and a half hours of screen on time, with about 10 hours on the 4G network.

Sorry you aren't impressed, BUT, I see all these bad battery life threads around....figured I'd add one with good battery life.
put your phone in airplane mode, it does wonders
If you're using this phone a lot (especially on 4G) you will deplete the battery pretty quickly. Yes, I can get a whole day too with light usage. My solution is a second battery charged and ready to go. Problem solved. Until batteries start to improve this is a sad fact of life with these new Android 4G big screen devices...typically I can 15-20 hours light to medium use.
Gummyjar 0.5.6 @ 1.35 Ghz and undervolted on interactive governor.

Imoseyon 1.6.6 (it's what comes with gummyjar 0.5.6)

You know what....:biggrin: But you made sure to mention stock battery in the OP...:happy3:

Try adding phone call use to it too, see how it holds up. The thing about battery life posts and threads...depending on what you consider normal use, moderate use, heavy use, it may be great for some and so so for others. The last time I tried to measure battery life on one of my phones, a 3G phone, I did it by trying to do things on my phone for about 1/2 hour to an hour. Screen on time was 4 hours. No wifi, a call for 36 minutes. That phone lasted 29 hours before it got to 5%. That was a stock phone and battery.

Also being in a good to great reception is better on the battery.

If you used 4G for good chunk like you said, thats nice. But....thats a phone running a custom ROM and kernel.
When I use my phone, I use it. 4g all day. As you can see idle and standby are not the on top. Lol. Face it people good battery life and 4g don't go together YET. Funny seeing these threads giving people false hope. I get 30 hours battery life too (with phone on airplane mode and not touching it all day). I'm on aokp 19 and lean kernel 1.5

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