I'm buying the Nexus 2...and here's why...

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I'm looking at the Samsung Galaxy S...and then, shortly thereafter, the Samsung Galaxy S 2!

Neither of which were google phones.

No one cares about them being samsung...

It's the Google people want
I hear what you're saying...but look at the back of the phone: Redirect Notice

Apparently you don't know what a Nexus is. It's a device running stock Android, with an unlockable bootloader that receives direct updates from Google.

There are no other devices like it, hence they only release one a year to showcase their new operating system.
Aint that the truth. But I dont see it happening. Marketing victims tend to stay that way.

But in all honesty, I wish you luck with the GNex 2. I am sure it would be a bad ass phone and I hope you are happy with it.

They are just phones, and there are tons of the available, get what works best for you.

For me, I tried out most all of the current crop of superphones, and I believe I will be sticking with the Nex. It is easily the best phone I have ever handled.

Agreed. I played with the Rezound and I was like wow this is awesome but when I played with the Nexus I was just speechless on how nice it was.

Sent from the future using my Galaxy Nexus!
Apparently you don't know what a Nexus is. It's a device running stock Android, with an unlockable bootloader that receives direct updates from Google.

There are no other devices like it, hence they only release one a year to showcase their new operating system.

I'm interested in where you're going. I knew about the unlockable bootloader but never heard of annual releases to showcase new operating system. Have any links/literature available for review?
A quick search appears to have confirmed my understanding: How Many Megapixels Does My Digital Camera Need? - TFPSoft In short, I have young kids and lots of events and don't care to take a camera with me...just about for any occasion. I'd like to reach for my phone--which is usually right in my pocket to catch those special moments--to snap pictures that I may and have used to generate larger prints. What do you think I don't understand? Maybe this could be a learning point here...

Unless you blow up the image to huge sizes, you cant distinguish between 5mp and 10 mp.

Additionally, given the small size of our phones, relative to a full frame DSLR, you have very small sensors. Cramming more mp's on a smaller sensor is a net negative to image quality, not the other way around. So, the high mp numbers are a marketing gimmick. Because most consumers are tricked into thinking more MP's equal better pictures. Just not the case. If you are blowing up to 8x10 or something you are fine. If you get into poster sized prints, that is when high mp counts become important.
I'm interested in where you're going. I knew about the unlockable bootloader but never heard of annual releases to showcase new operating system. Have any links/literature available for review?

Google Nexus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Nexus One was manufactured by HTC and released in January 2010 as the first Nexus phone. It was released with Android 2.1 Eclair, and was soon updated to be the first phone with Android 2.2 Froyo.

The Nexus S, manufactured by Samsung, was released in December 2010 to coincide with the release of Android 2.3 Gingerbread.

The Galaxy Nexus is the latest Nexus phone. It was released in November 2011 (GSM version, US Released on Verizon 12-15-2011) to coincide with the release of Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Nexus#cite_note-7
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A quick search appears to have confirmed my understanding: How Many Megapixels Does My Digital Camera Need? - TFPSoft In short, I have young kids and lots of events and don't care to take a camera with me...just about for any occasion. I'd like to reach for my phone--which is usually right in my pocket to catch those special moments--to snap pictures that I may and have used to generate larger prints. What do you think I don't understand? Maybe this could be a learning point here...

Then you must have missed this part.

It's important to note that there are many factors in choosing a digital camera, many of which may be increasingly more important than the number of megapixels.

Sorry, but if you are taking pictures and having them blown up to 8x10, you need a better camera than a phone, period.
Why are you people even bothering to respond to someone that is clearly just trying to start trouble. The guy linked to a page that refutes what hes claiming and you still take him serious. If he wants to wait around for a phone where he can blow up poster sized prints of his kids let him.

On a side note, the zero shutter lag really came in handy today. Had my two 18 month old nephews in town and I was able to grab a ton of shots that no one else was able to get. By the time they opened up their camera apps I had already snapped a couple of pics. And the 1080p videos of them looked fantastic. Unfortunately now I have to email all this stuff to everyone haha
Thnx for the continued replies. I'll take a look at the links everyone provided.

Then you must have missed this part.

Sorry, but if you are taking pictures and having them blown up to 8x10, you need a better camera than a phone, period.

TheBoyPat: The pictures my wife took with her Incredible II from Glacier National Park and blew up looked awesome!
If you want to be technical the Galaxy Nexus is the Nexus 4 The original HTC Dream was the original dev phone which became the Nexus line with the HTC Nexus One, Samsung Nexus S and now the Galaxy Nexus
Why are you people even bothering to respond to someone that is clearly just trying to start trouble. The guy linked to a page that refutes what hes claiming and you still take him serious. If he wants to wait around for a phone where he can blow up poster sized prints of his kids let him.

On a side note, the zero shutter lag really came in handy today. Had my two 18 month old nephews in town and I was able to grab a ton of shots that no one else was able to get. By the time they opened up their camera apps I had already snapped a couple of pics. And the 1080p videos of them looked fantastic. Unfortunately now I have to email all this stuff to everyone haha

LOL..."Poster sized prints" The few quick google searches I've done have claimed that 6mp camera is where one can get the best 8 * 10 photos, and who says I wouldn't occasionally go bigger! ;) If anyone has links/literature to support the numerous claims on this thread why the high 8mp cameras are hurting photo quality or unnecessary, I'm willing to take a look. I did just read through the thread and examples of Nexus photos.

The zero shutter lag is definately appealing. I can't wait to pair it with an 8mp camera! :biggrin:
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