Senior Member
I have two friends with an Eris. One has the 2.1 OTA and it was a little slow. He did the factory reset and bingo.. nice and smooth. The other wanted a little more and rooted, OC'ed and he is tickled pink.
It seems more often than not, 2.1 was a success. It only seems like it's not because were at a forum, and in this forum or any other forum like this, you are going to mostly hear about people that have had problems. But what you don't hear are the rest of the people that don't have any problems. I personally have had no problems with 2.1. I love it, and excited we got it. I was a little laggy at times, but after the FR and installing Launcherpro, it's gotten a lot faster.
People are so quick to blame 2.1, 9 out of 10 times, it's not 2.1. It could be the hardware you are using, or any combination of apps running that are conflicting, or just that the phone needs a FR to clean up any stuff causing the phone to not cooperate. Verizon and HTC are not JUST now realizing the problems people are having, yet, according to this forum, they have been going on for a while. If more people that not were having major problems, verizon and htc would have known a lot sooner..
Remember people, your dealing with a smartphone. It's got hardware, software, processor, etc. Problems will arise. Just breathe and search it out. If you can't figure it out, return the phone. Don't just write off 2.1 or the eris. Some problems are more individual then that.
Im done guys, i loved my eris pre 2.1, now i absolutly hate it, it has horrible reaction speed, locks and out of no where and have to reboot, gets suppppper hot when taking, and now google yea GOOGLE doesnt even work on my browser, yea i have navigation but i would trade that for my old eris in a heartbeat. Moderator Edit....Keep It Family Friendly!!!!
moving to the moto droid, it will be here on Monday.. i loved HTC but they didnt take care of eris like they should with the update.
sorry :droideris:, hello :motdroidvert:!!!
Those of you who are switching to the Moto Droid from the Eris, is Verizon doing even swaps for you or are you just shelling out your own cash to make the switch?
Verizon will NOT switch them out. If you want to move to a Droid or Incredible, you'll have to pay retail or open another line on your account.
The Moto's retail is much more than $200 though.Ya, So I take my Eris to Verizon last night. Tell them "I WANT OUT OF THIS P.O.S." I explain the whole situation, she takes it and checks the settings, all is good... She fiddles with it, and wouldn't you know it, It works GREAT for her. She told me I COULD Upgrade to the MOTO-Droid, but would have ta pay FULL Retail Price. Gee, Thanks... Paying for the P.O.S. Eris don't count??? I've only had Eris since February. and The Replacement since May.
Replacement's still on 1.5...
anybody wanna buy a 1 month old Eris for $200 so I can get the MOTO????
Anybody have the Incredible yet??? I was lookin at it lastnight. But I've got a BAD Taste in my mouth from HTC so far....