I got my new DroidX just 10 days ago and I'm loving it so far
I've had an 3rd gen Ipod touch for almost a year since most of the times I'm in the vicinity of a WiFi Network either at my university, at home or some cafe.... Well my usage and the kind of user I am would be totally different from your case - but here are my views about the DroidX.
1. I went through all the Apple Store BS, the quality of their apps, the restrictions posed with every new software update, the iTunes bound nature and all other issues with my iPod.... But comparing it to the DroidX I'm really glad to be free from all (almost all rather

) these setbacks....
2. I'm a linux user (hardly boot into Windows) since I'm comfortable with it, passionate about it and suits my work environment well too.... Getting my iPod to play around with Linux was a real pain - esp sync at least till libimobile support was available recently in Linux.... Compared to that my DroidX plays along nice and reliably with my Linux box....
3. Aesthetics, feature and build quality stand out pretty well on the DroidX for the price you pay, compared to other phones and mobile devices I've come across.... You can easily get some pretty good deals on these devices if you know when and where to purchase them from... I've not had much liking to Motorola phones from the moment I had started using cellphones and had avoided them at all cost - but DroidX was something which changed all that
4. You can browse your phone files easily, know how they're stored, backup on your SD card, transfer them to PC easily - it is time Apple started making their phones/music players inter-operable
5. Battery drains out pretty fast compared to my previous phone - SE W518a (4 days easily - but yeah not a smartphone) but with a smartphone like this, it is pretty much expected.... Unfortunately processing power and battery usage dont go out pretty well - Motorola needs to pay more attention to this or at least spend extra money to supply a stock battery which provides better life....
6. I'm more of a system developer than an app developer but I already like the Android concept of open app development compared to the Apple strategy.... Seeing the number and quality of apps in the Android marker and their fast development time, I might plunge into this as well in the near future