New Member
I completely agree. so excited to switch to this from my iPhone, but after 4 days I reactivated my iPhone!
And yet you are still here! Why?I completely agree. so excited to switch to this from my iPhone, but after 4 days I reactivated my iPhone!
how bout stop whining and go get another phone? i'll put $100 on it being worse than the droid in every aspect. no one cares that you dont like your droid, millions of people around the world would kill to have something as advanced and powerful as the droid on a network as solid as verizon.
the fact that millions of people love their droid means you can leave the crowd and no one will shed a tear. just stop crying about a phone that's more awesome than you, or go suck an apple nut and stick with the iphone on the worst carrier in america.
Sucks for you, sounds like a user error. My phone calls are clear, the phone is fast, great browser, great battery life, great build quality.
You are coming here asking us to sell you on the phone. I was sold before I got the phone and still loving it. It isn't a phone for everyone, no phone is. Maybe iphone is the phone for you. Nobody should waste any more energy trying to convince you to keep something you don't like. Return it and get your iphone.
You don't have to like my posts, but you are not the first person to come here and ask for people to give them a reason to keep the phone. Just return it and get back to your iphone.
Thanks to those of you that gave mature well thought out suggestions to me. The others...well... have fun being d-bags. I might bring it in to get a new one... i just would hate to be given a refurb (i know verizon used to do that... i don't know if they still do) after dropping 100 for a new one. I will try rooting it if/when i get a new one.
Thanks to those of you that gave mature well thought out suggestions to me. The others...well... have fun being d-bags. I might bring it in to get a new one... i just would hate to be given a refurb (i know verizon used to do that... i don't know if they still do) after dropping 100 for a new one. I will try rooting it if/when i get a new one.
I know where you are coming from about being given a refurb. However, even as I felt the same way when I had to get a new Droid (when mine went apes__t), I am completely happy with the refurb. It is better than the first one was.
One way to look at it this -- the refurb has been gone over meticulously by hand by a tech. Something that can't be said for a new one out of the box. It's a sure bet that the refurb has at least as good a chance of being perfect as a new one. Once you get over the fact that it's not 'new out of the box' it's a non-issue.
I completely agree with you about the browser. Nothing on the planet can touch the iphone's browser. The Droid really isn't that bad, though. Keep in mind that the Droid is still in it's infancy, and will get better as time goes on. (at least the potential is there.) The browser was better before the first update to 2.0.1, and hopefully will be fixed in 2.1 again. Xscope is worth the time to 'get used to it', it really is a great piece of work by the dev.
As far as your voice quality, you do need to get a new Droid. The call quality is as good as any phone out there as long as you don't have a bad one.
Hopefully, you can get you problems resolved. The only experience I have with AT&T is from years ago, and the service was horrible in my area then. From the complaints on this and other forums, I don't think it has changed much in general. I would suck if you had to go back to a network you may have had problems with.