sounds like your battery might be at fault because its not normal for your phone to be getting that hot without heavy use and being overclocked. my phone never gets warm and i run it overclocked on ULV with heavy use
sounds like your battery might be at fault because its not normal for your phone to be getting that hot without heavy use and being overclocked. my phone never gets warm and i run it overclocked on ULV with heavy use
it really depends on a lot of variables but compared to your liberated d2 id say noticeable. if i had to guess id say if you were at 40% at the end of the day using liberty you would probably be at 25-30% with liquid, 20-25% with miui and 10-15% with cm7CM7, MIUI, Liquid, SSX and Justice are all 2nd init ROMs. The customization and speed is unreal. You can change themes without rebooting, lockscreens, performance mods, etc. Battery life isn't the greatest though, but its well worth it IMO.
How bad are the battery lifes?
Sent to you by a D2 Hopped up on some Liberated Gingerbread
your also using a DX, SS isnt out for the D2 and ports are a little different between romsit really depends on a lot of variables but compared to your liberated d2 id say noticeable. if i had to guess id say if you were at 40% at the end of the day using liberty you would probably be at 25-30% with liquid, 20-25% with miui and 10-15% with cm7How bad are the battery lifes?
Sent to you by a D2 Hopped up on some Liberated Gingerbread
Liquid and CM7 get about the same battery life for me. MIUI and SSX have gotten me the best out of the 2nd init ROMs.
The battery life on apex is no different than Liberty.
post a screen shot of your battery stats after a full day
v.8? brightness down as much as possible, wifi on whenever its available, background data off unless your using it (same with gps and bluetooth) setup a profile for screen off, clear cache and dalvik cache daily, check for any background apps that might be running, limit the number of widgets on your homescreens.. also, people have had slight battery increases flashing imoseyon's (imoseyon) zip in cwrThat is really strange about the battery life. When I barely use my phone in a day, it goes down to 70% with LGB
Since im gonna go with apex, anyone wanna tell me if 2.0.0 is the latest release and I assume im fine flashing from liberty as long as I wipe? And can I use jrummy's rom toolbox to flash it?
Sent to you by a D2 Hopped up on some Liberated Gingerbread