Great theme and for the most part everything works as expected. I have found the same issues as reported by others with the white on white. I also have found problems with the market with all of the apps not showing in the market..Can someone point me to a fix..I know the issue has occurred in other themes but can't seem to find it now that I need it lol lol
Update: I resolved it by updating the build.prop file. I extracted one from another theme and replaced it in this theme and did a reboot and now all the apps are coming in. I attached the one I used in case anyone else has this issue. Thank to the developer of the Black Glass theme as it was his file that resolved it for me...Just use root explorer and set the system folder to R/W and copy the file into that directory and it will overwrite the build file that is there. Of course save it first if you want to be able to go back to it for some reason
Ok so I am having the same problem with this that I had with the blackbar mod for blurry. Everything was sync'd when i installed blurry 1.0 and the syncing icon was gone. As soon as i boot up the sync icon is showing, my gmail is taking forever to come through and its constantly trying to sync my gmail mail.. Any suggestions? I have tried wiping data and cache after install. Tried completely starting over.. cleared gmail cache... i got no idea why it does this?
Well I was just gonna post that the build.prop worked for me but they syncing icon is still there.... damn... this is troublsome