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Incredible 2 Battery Life?

Battery life is amazing on this thing. My girlfriend has the OG DInc and the battery life is almost double on the Inc 2. Way better by far. I love it!

Sent from my ADR6350 using DroidForums
Did someone switch my phone?

My phone has been off the charger for 32 hours and 49 minutes and I'm still at ~60%. After I went to Verizon and aired my views, I let the phone completely die and then bump charged it. When I turned it back on, the power consumption has been totally different. When I view the Battery use, the PV whatever service isn't even on the list anymore. I am afraid to turn the phone on and off, for fears that that ugly app will rear it's head again.

I have even gotten so daring at to increase the screen brightness to 25% . . . .

No word back from Verizon regarding the BB app, though.
My phone has been off the charger for 32 hours and 49 minutes and I'm still at ~60%. After I went to Verizon and aired my views, I let the phone completely die and then bump charged it. When I turned it back on, the power consumption has been totally different. When I view the Battery use, the PV whatever service isn't even on the list anymore. I am afraid to turn the phone on and off, for fears that that ugly app will rear it's head again.

I have even gotten so daring at to increase the screen brightness to 25% . . . .

No word back from Verizon regarding the BB app, though.

So what did you do to get this great Bat life? I still get get more then 6hrs?

Improved battery life

I am not quite sure what changed my battery life, but I am pretty certain that it has to do with the Blockbuster app not sucking up all the juice. Really, all I did was let the phone die completely, I charged it, turned it on and charged it again til green, then turned it off and charged it again till green. Once again, that evil PVM something service has magically disappeared since I let the battery totally die. It's been more than 35 hours and it still appear to be at around 55-60%.
I am not quite sure what changed my battery life, but I am pretty certain that it has to do with the Blockbuster app not sucking up all the juice. Really, all I did was let the phone die completely, I charged it, turned it on and charged it again til green, then turned it off and charged it again till green. Once again, that evil PVM something service has magically disappeared since I let the battery totally die. It's been more than 35 hours and it still appear to be at around 55-60%.

And your on the Droid Inc2? I just got one. Can't seem to delete the BB App. Would you mind listing a step by step of what you did?

:icon_ banana:
I followed these instructions posted by twinklystar yesterday:
Other things to try to help with battery life that doesn't totally cripple your phone:
1. Turn brightness down
2. Remove all battery helper/saver apps and task killers - they don't help at all. When I first rooted I had Android Assistant which helped with battery life, but after 2 days my battery was draining 10% every hour, and I noticed that app was using 73% of my system resources. Uninstalled instantly, restarted the phone and it was good again.
3. Set sync frequency for your social widgets/apps (facebook, twitter, etc.) to sync slower
4. DISABLE GPS I don't know if this was the case for you- but the weather widget that is loaded default on the screen is based on current GPS location, so everytime the application updates it relies on GPS, which drains your battery heavily (i.e. if you drive from one city to another and weather is set to sync frequently, it'll keep using your GPS to detect your location and update the weather accordingly). I would disable all GPS (standalone, VZ location services, google location services) and remove the clock/weather widget from the screen, then add it manually again and select a city (or a couple of cities) to sync weather for instead of letting it rely on GPS.
5. Menu -> Settings -> Accounts & Sync, there should be a couple of accounts in there (like Backup Assistant, Gmail, etc.) that is set to sync automatically. Disable what you don't use (like I have news and stocks disabled from sync-ing), and set the sync frequency to longer (like 1 hr vs. 30 mins or 3 hrs vs. 1 hr for weather).
6. Restart phone periodically - when I notice my battery is drainer faster than normal, I just restart the phone. After a restart, it closes whatever is running in the background that is draining the battery we're not aware of.

Finally, the thing that I found to help the most is just to drain the battery down to below 10% every use and charge it back to fully. I know it has no memory and doesn't really matter, but I feel like that has helped me tremendously because it calibrates the battery. I do that everyday the first month when I got my tbolt and I can say my battery have improved. I think once the system learn your using habits, it'll know what to keep and what to disable, battery life will improve (which is why a task killer is not necessary). Give it a couple weeks to learn.

I'm running the stock battery on my tbolt (which is 1400 mAh, smaller than the 1450 on the incredible 2) and I have 4G on all day but I can get through about 17 hours of moderate use, and 12-13 hours on heavy use (play games 1-2 hours, use navigation, check emails, txt, etc.) with minimal problems.

And then I charged it like I described above. How long have you had your phone. The first day or two my battery life was OK, but really stunk from then up until yesterday. Seems like the Blockbuster app is the problem. When you go to "setting", "about phone", then "battery" >battery use, what is using up the battery?

Also, even though I had taken off the Task killer, at Verizon the rep installed Advanced Task killer Beta, version 1.1.6, told me that it was meant for this version, and so . . .
I'm pleasantly surprised with the battery life I'm getting. Took it off the charger at 4:30 pm yesterday when I woke up (I work 3rd shift), used it for about 2 hours of reading, an hour or so of games, 2 hours of music, about 15 texts, 30 minutes of calls, some app downloads and updates, and about an hour or so of web browsing, all over 3g, and just now, at 9:07 AM it's at 24%. 16.5 hours off the charger, with around 7-8 hours of use? Could prolly go a full 24 hours without dying. Beats what my OG Droid had, and what my Tbolt had with the extended battery before I returned it. This device is a keeper. All around very happy with it and highly recommend it to anyone looking for an Android phone.
Well I may have found my problem. I did a factory reset and did not load the CNN app. Now a lot better.

Sent from my ADR6350 using DroidForums
50% after 50 hours . . .

Mine has been off the charger for 50 hours and is at 50%. Mind you, my usage has been light, in view of my incredibly poor experience after the first few days. Am going to use the features a bit more today. Still haven't heard back from the Verizon rep about the BB app, though.
there is nothing a verizon rep can do about it. the phone needs to be rooted then use titanium backup to freeze the app. may as well freeze all the other stuff you dont use while you are at it because if they run for some reason, they are just eating up battery. has this thing seriously not been rooted yet?
Well, I got my DInc2 today. I have never been a big Sense fan because my Android career began with a Droid Eris and let's just say it left a bad impression in my mouth and made me leary of going the HTC route again.

However, it was time for 1 of my upgrades and I knew the DInc had good performance and the DInc2 would have that plus a bigger screen, which I wanted. Add to that Motorola, whom I love, didn't have anything great out (although the day after ordering DInc2 I saw that DX2 would be out 5-12) and the TBolt was a little big and battery reviews were iffy. It seemed like the DInc2 kind of snuck in under the radar and in the TBolt shadow, so I decided to give it a shot.

I took it off the charger at about noon today (7:48 pm now) and went through the process of trying to restore everything from the Market and explore and get the settings just right, etc. and I am now at 60% and holding. Very good performance, I love the added scenes and aesthetics from my last Sense experience and the speed of my wifi and 3G is just so far above what I have been used to with my Droid1. The only downfall at this point is the number of bloatware apps.....ridiculous! I understand marketing but it's getting out of hand.

It's still early and I may still turn it in for a DX2 on 5-12 but if things continue as smooth as they have started then I will probably keep this thing and wait for my other line's upgrade to go with whatever Motorola has or the 4G route. As of right now, I'm happy with the choice.
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Why don't you tempROOT it and freeze the bloatware? I only have 2 apps listed under Verizon in my app drawer. It's not difficult. Just look up the Incredible S' method. Works perfect since its the same phone.

Sent from my ADR6350 using DroidForums App
Why don't you tempROOT it and freeze the bloatware? I only have 2 apps listed under Verizon in my app drawer. It's not difficult. Just look up the Incredible S' method. Works perfect since its the same phone.

Sent from my ADR6350 using DroidForums App

You know, I haven't really thought about it yet. I just bricked my OG Droid a few days ago and I am a little gun shy now hacking my phones. I'm sure I'll get there soon enough but I also wanna make sure I'm gonna keep this thing. Still looking at the DX2 on May 12.

Thanks for the reminder though. I didn't really think about the Inc S being pretty much the same phone.
yup battery life is excellent. I find it pretty hard to get below 50% with normal usage. hell, i've held a 2 hour conversation, streamed a 1 hour episode of games with thrones, browsed the internet, 30 minutes gps usage and the phone was still at 50% or so.

this phone is simply amazing.