Remember to wipe Data and Cache before installing Liberty. Then 99% of any problems will be averted.
So going through the "wipe data/factory reset" process would also wipe the Cache, correct? That's basically what you mean?
Remember to wipe Data and Cache before installing Liberty. Then 99% of any problems will be averted.
Remember to wipe Data and Cache before installing Liberty. Then 99% of any problems will be averted.
So going through the "wipe data/factory reset" would also wipe the Cache, correct? Basically what you mean?
wipe data and wipe cache
wipe data and wipe cache
I'd be using Droid X Recovery Bootstrap along with Clockwork Recovery, so when I choose the wipe data option, there will also be a wipe cache option, as well? Or is that all in the same?
Hello all,
I'm entirely new to the whole rom/theme scene. I've been wanting to install a rom on my Droid X for awhile now, but nothing really stuck out to me, that's until I seen Liberty ROM.
Anyways, before I install the rom, I have a few questions first:
- 1. Once I go through the data wipe/factory reset process, install Liberty ROM, restart, and do a restore, all my apps will be re-downloaded/re-installed? Also, is there a way to specifically select each app I want to install, rather than restore all apps at once?
- 2. Are all my current apps compatible with Liberty ROM, or does it matter, as long as I have Android 2.2, and that the apps are compatible with that update?
- 3. I'm using LauncherPro currently, but besides the customized homescreens/widgets not returning, after doing a full restore, everything goes back to the way it was before, but with Liberty ROM installed?
I think that's it for now. I'll update this thread if I can think of any other questions.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
what exactly are you trying to back up? cuz google will take care of your contacts and apps
Well...basically all system data, bookmarks, app data, etc. Even game save data, just everything. Sorry, kinda vague, but can't really explain any better than that.
Besides using Google to re-download/re-install all my apps, wouldn't I still use Titanium Backup or otherwise to restore everything else?
I didn't see anyone stress the importance of making a backup first. Always backup your current ROM when about to flash a new one. This way if you run into an issue or just don't like the new ROM you can just roll back to your previous setup. Do this via Bootstrapper.
I see you already got some answers but I figured I'd give my two cents.
1) When you turn your phone on for the very first time, it asks you if you want Google to backup all your settings, etc. If you selected yes at initial setup then all your apps you downloaded from the market will re-download. If you installed the .apk from an "unknown source" you will have to restore this app from Titanium Backup or re-install it on your own. You can go through a batch operation in Titanium and install all missing apps with data. From my experience it will not even try to install the Blur related apps. You will want to make sure that all your contacts are showing up in your Gmail account on a PC, b/c if they are not, Google is not backing them up.
2) Yes and No. Most of the apps you care about will be compatible with Liberty 1.5. Anything associated with Blur will not be compatible, for example, backup assistant, universal inbox, the blur messaging app, etc. But yes any app that is on the market will work. Just not the Blurish ones that came on your phone. Once you get Liberty installed there are certain Blur apps that you can add from the Liberty Toolbox, pretty sweet feature in my opinion.
3) There is an option in LauncherPro to backup your home screens and settings, I restored mine after installing Liberty and it works great. You will have to put all your widgets back on your home screens as they will not backup due to a limitation with Android.
Your saved game data, bookmarks, etc, should come back if you restore the app and data through Titanium, or just the data if Google restored the app. Never ever try to restore system data after a ROM install, as you are replacing the System. I did this once and everything was acting bonker.
I didn't see anyone stress the importance of making a backup first. Always backup your current ROM when about to flash a new one. This way if you run into an issue or just don't like the new ROM you can just roll back to your previous setup. Do this via Bootstrapper.
Thanks again, to the both of you, definitely have saved me time from having to look up every answer via forum search.
Hopefully one day when I learn enough, I'll also be able to help other fellow Droiders(or something..).
#1: You know what, I can't exactly remember if I clicked "Yes" so Google could backup all my settings..as I got my DX last Aug, but I would imagine I did click yes though, as that is pretty important. Well, I rarely install anything from an unknown source, I usually just download all my apps/games from the Market, unless of course I could only find the .apk elsewhere. So, I would have to re-loggin into the Market, then all my apps would automatically install or do I have to select an option to do so first? Also, what about Gmail? Basically, I imported some contacts from Gmail, but most were from Faceblook, as my contacts and Facebook merged when I first logged into FB. I read here somewhere that with the Facebook for Android app in the Market, the FB contacts/Gmail contacts will merge once again, is this true?
#2: Okay, this is definitely good to know. I don't really use the Blurish apps as I've found other alternative Blurless apps to replace 'em, mostly. And that Liberty Toolbox I'm hearing so much about seems to be a really great gem!
#3: Sweet about being able to restore my homescreens, but I may leave it and try something different as I've had my homescreens the way they are for awhile now.
Thanks for the help, man, really appreciate it, and it'll make installing my first ROM much easier.
Your saved game data, bookmarks, etc, should come back if you restore the app and data through Titanium, or just the data if Google restored the app. Never ever try to restore system data after a ROM install, as you are replacing the System. I did this once and everything was acting bonker.
Ahh, also good to know. And I won't try to restore any of the system data, as I probably don't need it especially when going from Stock Android 2.2 to Liberty 1.5.
I didn't see anyone stress the importance of making a backup first. Always backup your current ROM when about to flash a new one. This way if you run into an issue or just don't like the new ROM you can just roll back to your previous setup. Do this via Bootstrapper.
And yep, I'll be using Droid X Recovery Bootstrap to do all the backup preparations before doing the data wipe and cache/factory reset process.
Thanks again, to the both of you, definitely have saved me time from having to look up every answer via forum search.
Hopefully one day when I learn enough, I'll also be able to help other fellow Droiders(or something..).
1) I think you can go into Settings > Privacy > check backup my data & check automatic restore. I wanna say this is where you change what the Google servers backup. Not sure as my settings look a tad different.. I haven't been on the stock ROM for a while. Once you wipe data and flash Liberty, at initial boot up you will be prompted to sign in to your Google account (your gmail address). Then as long as you have a data connection (3G or WiFi) all of the Google apps (Gmail, Market, etc.) will start to sync automatically. I can't directly comment on the FB contact issue as I have only logged into the FB app on my phone once, and I was not happy that it synced up over 1000 contacts. I usually just stick to the browser or PC for FB.
2) You are good to go here. The Liberty toolbox has themes, add-ons, battery icon changers, font changers, boot animation changer, and much much more, it really is a work of art.
3) Yeah mix it up, there are a ton of great ideas in the Liberty forum.
I say you are more prepared than most and at least seem like you understand the process enough to jump right in. Just make a backup of your current setup, then flash Liberty, give it a day or two and you will be in love.
And if not, just restore your backup, then you are back where you started.
Alright..so I'm in the process of finally installing Liberty 1.5.
I launched Droid X Recovery Bootstrap. I clicked "bootstrap the recovery", then "reboot recovery".
After that, it rebooted my phone into recovery, and a list of options appeared.
So...this is going to sound really dumb, but how do I click on an option? I used the volume controls to scroll down to "backup and restore", but cannot click on it for some reason. And when I press the "back", "search", "home", "option" buttons, the screen goes dark, and when I press one of the buttons again, the screen turns back on.
Am I missing something?
Please let me know...thanks!
EDIT: Actually, I jumped to conclusions way too fast...the only button I didn't press was the Camera button. Yeah, so...in case anyone else has this issue in the future(doubtful), here ya go:
To go through each option, use the Volume controls, and to actually select an option, use the Camera button.
All good now!![]()