No offense man, but from the sounds of it you're in no place to be helping others root. What you're asking is extremely trivial stuff.
Most of your threads are HELP threads with exclamation points. You should try to learn on your own a little bit more.
What if you end up bricking this guys phone?
Not really. I didn't brick his phone thank you and he is running bugless beast with a kernel and theme and scripts and everything perfectly thanks to me, but um, thanks for the compliment....
I knew there was really no nice way of saying that. And I figured you'd get bent out of shape.
All I'm saying is when
I was helping
you root your phone you can bet your ass I wasn't on here posting help threads mid-way through your install. I helped you because I knew what I was doing and I was confident.
You got the guy started, then came back on here with asinine questions that are answered in nearly every other help thread on this forum.
I'm just saying maybe you should spend a little more time learning about this process and less time posting threads expecting people to help you with every little problem you run into.