Instant Messenger


New Member
Nov 9, 2009
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I am in search of good and natural IMs like MSN /Windows Live Messenger and Yahoo Messenger on the Motorola Droid. There was a funky one on the App store which did not work properly --- the way we are used to on the blackberry or regular PCs. Does anyone know if these IMs are perfected and Apps writen for the Droid yet?

Unfortunately, lot of us are still in IM world and miss out on communicating over IM on the Droid! This is a huge negative point if we are NOT able to IM on this Droid communication device!
Also give it a week or so, most of the apps will be updated, and new ones designed.
Tried Meebo... the program sucks frankly. Besides, it doesnt allow to sign in to my yahoo IM after creating this account.

I would much prefer to have separate Yahoo Msngr Icon on Motorola Droid that provides most functionalities of Yahoo Msngr (regular) than a combined IM of various other IMs.
Tried Meebo... the program sucks frankly. Besides, it doesnt allow to sign in to my yahoo IM after creating this account.

I would much prefer to have separate Yahoo Msngr Icon on Motorola Droid that provides most functionalities of Yahoo Msngr (regular) than a combined IM of various other IMs.

I'm finding MSN doesn't work correctly. Try the yahoo beta. Google talk is flwless though. Sine i Have both GT and MSN i can still be online. I'm sure the others will get updates asap by the developers.
Hi Yahoo --- Beta does not have the features a normal Yahoo Messenger has on a PC/laptop. For a starter...if you log in to this program/app ... the buddy list does not doesnt seem friendly interface...
If Meebo didn't do what you asked in your first post, then I guess I have no idea what you're asking for... I was talking on AIM with it for a good hour the other day.

Did it have a problem with Yahoo or something?
when using meebo and the beta yahoo messenger does this eat at your text usage or is it considered data?

What is "messaging" on the desktop, is that texting or something else?

Lastly, my wife also has the droid but we do not have a texting plan. Is there a way to send messages to each other without using or getting charged for texts?
when using meebo and the beta yahoo messenger does this eat at your text usage or is it considered data?

What is "messaging" on the desktop, is that texting or something else?

Lastly, my wife also has the droid but we do not have a texting plan. Is there a way to send messages to each other without using or getting charged for texts?

1 - It is considered data usage

2 - No idea, sorry

3 - You could use push Gmail, maybe. It's nearly instantaneous.