I have insurance through verizon - best thing to do with a device that's 500 plus dollars to replace without an upgrade or insurance. The 50 dollar deductible is a lot easier on the wallet than the full out amount of a new Droid. For 6 bucks a month, I think it's silly not to do it - and that's total equipment protection. I have had to use it more than once prior to my Droid, and I have to say, Asurion is a pleasure to deal with, free overnight shipping, genuinely want to keep their customers happy and satisfied, and they do just that. I say insurance is a must. Period. You never know when you're going to be in a rush,waitinf on a call, get it, whip out your phone - only to accidentally throw it to the concrete sidewalk,in the rain. (yes, that was one of my instances) - 50 bucks,and a day later - I was back in action. Something to think about.