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Interesting. RAZR w/BLURry ICS leak...

You're not looking at this from a Linux perspective, though; which is the way Android needs to be looked at. You are never supposed to see a large amount of free memory on a Linux system. If you do, something isn't working correctly.

What is supposed to happen in, as an app or process demands more memory, the Linux kernel is supposed to kill off the least-used nonessential processes first. Now, if the Linux kernel on the early ICS builds is not doing this, even based on demand from an application, then yes; I agree there is a problem.

But to use your example, if I have 2GB of RAM on a Linux machine which is running a 1GB VM on VMWare Workstation, my available RAM should NOT increase by 1GB when I stop that virtual machine. What is SHOULD do is allocate most of it to "cached" (you can see this using the top command), where it is essentially free to be used by whatever grabs it up.

Linux Howtos: System -> Linux Memory Management

You're right; I'm not looking at it from the obscure OS perspective (though I work in IT). I'm looking at it from an end user perspective.

I have the Galaxy Nexus and the RAZR with the BLURry ICS leak. Of course the Nexus had Ice Cream Sandwich first.

On the Nexus I can run various applications but what eventually will happen is "unfortunately, _____ has stopped." repeatedly on applications that are run when other applications are run. The memory is extremely low, constantly. Things run and don't get released. Google Maps runs when you don't want it to and only because it has to use that app to do location tracking. Play Books runs. Play Music runs. All of this stuff runs and not in a "cached" state, but actively consuming the memory. That's the problem. If another app comes along that demands a lot of memory, it's crashing. Now maybe my Nexus is the only one doing it, but all I can say for certain is that the RAZR with ICS does not ever do that. Now that might be because I don't allow stuff to run on the RAZR that I didn't request; I'm not sure.

Now, back to my IT hat.
On Mac OS Lion, for example, if I run a VM in Parallels that uses 1GB of RAM and then close that VM, the RAM goes back to free, as it should. I would expect RAM to go to cached if it were used for certain levels of access such as file searching and others where it's a quick access, not one where it's reserved for a given program. Snow Leopard behaves the way you describe, but I would submit that such behavior is lacking proper cleanup. Some apps - poorly written though they might be - explicitly look for "Free" memory. If they don't find it because it's "Cached" it creates issues.
  • Lock Screen
    • Nexus: Slide right to unlock, slide left to use camera
    • BLURry ICS: Slide right to unlock, down to use Messaging, up to use phone, left to use camera, plus a vibrate/sound switch slider (choice)
  • Search
    • Nexus: Google Search bar at top of every home screen, cannot be removed
    • BLURry ICS: No Google Search bar, but you can add it as a widget (choice)
  • Keyboard
    • Nexus: defaults to Android ICS keyboard, no Swype
    • BLURry ICS: defaults to last keyboard you had enabled, Swype included as an option but Swype does not use Google's new Voice Search app which is superior to the old voice engine. Have to use Motorola keyboard or SwiftKey to use Google's Voice Search. Motorola's keyboard is terrible.
  • Screen
    • Nexus: constant stuttering and lagging when scrolling through apps and widgets. Once you're in an app it's fine (weird).
    • BLURry ICS: Smooth as butter. There is a little lag scrolling through homescreens but not nearly as bad as on the Nexus for some reason.
  • Bloat/Built-In Apps
    • ​Nexus: There are NO bloat apps on the Nexus that cannot be removed. There's a few games but you can remove them fairly easily.
    • BLURry ICS: There are a few bloat apps, you can disable them but not remove them. Some apps can't even be disabled, only hidden from view.
  • Other
    • Nexus: For some reason some apps like to crash without reason. Not everyone might experience this but mine happens frequently.
    • BLURry ICS: The same apps that crash on Nexus run perfectly fine on the RAZR.
Other than those the two are mostly identical in appearance and function. Nexus uses different icons and a few select menu options but BLUR feels like a slightly modified ICS UI, not heavy, never clunky. The only way you'd know it was BLUR was if you did WebTop. Very impressive.

Search bar can be removed on stock, disable google search in settings. Same with root.

You can have swype and it defaults to which ever keyboard you set to default.

Screen doesn't stutter, maybe you had a defective unit.

No games come with the Nexus.

Certain apps crash on the Nexus because they aren't compatible with ICS, with good reason.

Aka, you don't know what you're talking about or have chosen to be bias.
Search bar can be removed on stock, disable google search in settings. Same with root.

Disable Google Search. So you're suggesting that I cure cancer by taking a shotgun to the patient. Brilliant.

The search bar should simply be a widget option that is removable WITHOUT destroying the basic Google Search capabilities. Choice.

You can have swype and it defaults to which ever keyboard you set to default.

If you install it, and it's buggy on the Nexus. Hell, it's buggy on the RAZR, but at least the RAZR includes it so I don't have to waste time installing it. Choice.

Screen doesn't stutter, maybe you had a defective unit.


Now you're just fooling yourself. Perhaps you're just ignoring it or passing it off as "rendering" but the phone stutters and frequently.

No games come with the Nexus.

Let's Golf was on mine. Don't know why and don't care. It was removable. Picked it up directly from the local Verizon Wireless store.

Certain apps crash on the Nexus because they aren't compatible with ICS, with good reason.

My Verizon Mobile isn't compatible with ICS (even though it comes preinstalled)?
Google Maps isn't compatible with ICS (even though it comes preinstalled)?
YouTube isn't compatible with ICS (even though it comes preinstalled)?

Dude...stop being a fanboy. Seriously.

I get it. You love the Nexus. That's fine. I'm sure you're running some epic ROM that has zero issues to it. My experience isn't nearly as epic and I'm not inclined to spend days making it so. I expect a phone to work out of the box with minimal modifications. As a backup device the Nexus is fine; as a gaming device it's quite amazing, but beyond that...it's Ice Cream Sandwich people like, not the phone. BLURry ICS just takes things a step further by actually working with stability.

Now I'm given to understand that there are builds that we haven't gotten yet that should fix these issues. At that point I'll re-evaluate both phones. But for now, under 4.0.3...the RAZR MAXX with ICS simply has no peer for those that don't care about having some HD screen.
My phone is stock, works perfect.

Your phone wasn't new then if it had "lets golf" on it, maybe that's why you had issues?

I'm no fanboi, I had an OG for over 2 years before this and a flip Razr for 6 years prior. If anything I'd be a Moto fanboi by now.

Sorry, you're trolling and lying and unless someone calls you on it, you'll continue to spread nonsense on these forums.

So you're saying an updated version of ICS is more stable than what the Nexus is running?

Great deduction there Sherlock.
Search bar can be removed on stock, disable google search in settings. Same with root.

That is interesting. I feel it shoulda been a widget tho.

Same apps working on his RAZR with the ICS leak tho? He even stated the same apps worked fine on his RAZR with ICS. Thats ICS and Blur... All things being equal....wouldnt you rule "aren't compatible with ICS, with good reason"? Its also possible he had a bad G Nex or it needed a factory reset. Guess he can answer that.

Keyboard....cant you assume he's talking about out the box? Especially since every Android phones doesnt come with Swype. He even said Swype included as an option on the RAZR. Like I like that the RAZR has T9 dialing out the box. It can be added to the G Nex with apps...but its not out the box. I hope T9 stays with ICS on the RAZR.

I agree about games and the screen. Although I didnt keep my G Nex long enough and stuttering, lag wasnt my focus when I had it, it was fine to me.

I dont totally agree with everything he said but it isnt as bad as some try to make it. Some ppl seem to have selective reading....

BTW....what phones you previous had doesnt mean you cant be a fanboy for what you have now...lol. I seem to remember this posted somewhere recently...lol. The way one posts dictates that. One could say I'm a Moto fanboy based on my phone history. Didnt stop me from trying a G Nex and keeping a Rezound. 5 Android phones in the last 2 years for me...and I like the apps better on the iPhone, and WP7 is the best scrolling I have experienced.

How one posts, acts dictates if they are a fanboy, not necessarily device history.
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My phone is stock, works perfect.

Your phone wasn't new then if it had "lets golf" on it, maybe that's why you had issues?

I'm no fanboi, I had an OG for over 2 years before this and a flip Razr for 6 years prior. If anything I'd be a Moto fanboi by now.

Sorry, you're trolling and lying and unless someone calls you on it, you'll continue to spread nonsense on these forums.

So you're saying an updated version of ICS is more stable than what the Nexus is running?

Great deduction there Sherlock.

Bottom line - you like ICS, not the Nexus. I'm simply saying that the ICS experience on the RAZR is superior to that on the Nexus. Since you haven't used it, I wouldn't consider you an authority on the subject.

Before you get started with ignorant rebuttals:

[video=youtube;vCRuFYKth2Y]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCRuFYKth2Y&list=UUqevorE76rCXqCknPQ3HUlA& index=1&feature=plcp[/video]

[video=youtube;kNoaLwY1pRg]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNoaLwY1pRg&list=UUqevorE76rCXqCknPQ3HUlA& index=7&feature=plcp[/video]
Notice I didn't say anything about ICS on the Razr? I just said that what you've said about ICS on the Nexus isn't true and it's the truth.

You're comparing 2 different versions of ICS, one includes common bug fixes, which makes the test irrelevant.

Also, I love the fact you're telling me what I like, lol.

You're trolling is in nearly all of your posts. Feel free to check out his previous posts guys, it's worth the read to see how useless his opinion is.
They're two different versions of Android 4.0, so I'd expect the newer version (the one on the RAZR) to run smoother. Also, each device is going to run the software just a little bit differently. Each Nexus is not 100% dead-on the same. Some 4.0.2 Nexus had horrible signal problems, mine did not even on stock. Some apparently lagged, mine did not, even on stock. Mine also had no games pre-installed.

If your RAZR runs the newest version of ICS better than your Nexus runs the older version, I'm happy you found something that works for your needs. But this may or may not be a universal experience. Plus, liking Blur is a matter of preference.
You're trolling is

Ok. I'm disregarding you.

They're two different versions of Android 4.0, so I'd expect the newer version (the one on the RAZR) to run smoother.

Nexus is "stock Android", RAZR's is not. So I would actually expect a cleaner experience from the Nexus. I didn't get it.

If your RAZR runs the newest version of ICS better than your Nexus runs the older version, I'm happy you found something that works for your needs. But this may or may not be a universal experience. Plus, liking Blur is a matter of preference.

The point is that Blur is nearly non-existent on this build. Plenty of threads have been made that claim that Blur is a bloat fiend like Sense; in the past that was true. My post and videos illustrate literally how clean Blur is on ICS.

While versions may make slight differences I simply don't accept that Google/Samsung would have thrown a device out there knowing it had substantial issues. That you didn't have the same issues doesn't negate the issues as illustrated by the Google search. Plenty of people experienced the same thing; numerous reviewers did as well. It's not a myth. Again, there are Nexus fans, I get it. I simply wish those fans would be open to the idea that maybe - just MAYBE - it's really ICS they like, not the phone.
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I'm definitely open to the idea that it's ICS I like. But I like ICS, not a carrier/manufacturer modified version of ICS. I wouldn't have gotten the Nexus if it wasn't AOSP ICS. I just also happened to like the Nexus design and hardware as well. To me, the RAZR looks ugly, plus it has Blur on it, which I do not find aesthetically pleasing, so I would never get it. *shrugs* Matter of preference, in my opinion.
I'm definitely open to the idea that it's ICS I like. But I like ICS, not a carrier/manufacturer modified version of ICS. I wouldn't have gotten the Nexus if it wasn't AOSP ICS. I just also happened to like the Nexus design and hardware as well. To me, the RAZR looks ugly, plus it has Blur on it, which I do not find aesthetically pleasing, so I would never get it. *shrugs* Matter of preference, in my opinion.

No disrespect intended, but if you feel so strongly towards the Nexus and Vanilla ICS, and are so openly displeased with the RAZR and MotoBlur ICS, why are you on the RAZR forum and talking about it with RAZR owners who actually like their phones and for the most part are looking forward to the upcoming ICS with MotoBlur?

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk with speech to text translation. Please excuse any minor grammatical/punctuation/spelling errors.
These gnex people are mad brainwashed yo. But seriously, why r they so insecure? Everyday I have to read forums w these fanboys trying to defend how no other phone can ever compare to theirs. Threads r getting hijacked left and right and turned into gnex vs the people~ Its not even anything special hardware wise. People are just curious about ICS

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
No disrespect intended, but if you feel so strongly towards the Nexus and Vanilla ICS, and are so openly displeased with the RAZR and MotoBlur ICS, why are you on the RAZR forum and talking about it with RAZR owners who actually like their phones and for the most part are looking forward to the upcoming ICS with MotoBlur?

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk with speech to text translation. Please excuse any minor grammatical/punctuation/spelling errors.

I would definitely have to agree with FoxKat here. I'm happy that you enjoy your phone. That is a good thing for you, as you are probably stuck with it for a couple years. But why come into the RAZR section of our forum and discuss it? It's just going to start unnecessary conflicts.

Also, if you watch the videos he posted, I think it is pretty clear that Motorola hasn't done very much to remove user's from the Ice Cream Sandwich experience. That is something that the they definitely deserve credit for. Also, I really have to think that once more phones, such as the Razr (especially the Maxx), get the update to ICS, that the GNex will lose much of its competitive edge. Just my opinion, take it for what it's worth.

Back on topic though, I am getting extremely excited about ICS, now that I've watched those video walkthroughs of the builds on the RAZR. Here's to hoping it comes out this month!