I guess noone wants to give credit to Apple for releasing a dual-core product that actually has the os to utilize dual-cores...
Also, someone pointed out the resolution... literally EVERYTIME I say "the iPhone 4 still has the best resolution screen" every fandroid says "resolution doesn't matter, human eyes can't notice the difference"... now that the Xoom has a higher res screen than the iPad2 it becomes "ZOMGS DA ANDROYDS REZ IZ CRZY GOOD! APPLEZ SUXORS!!!"
The iPad2 is the biggest win Apple has had since.... well since their last major release, the iPhone 4. It will not only be the number 1 tablet this year, it will gut Xoom sales with just it's announcement.
Also, someone pointed out the resolution... literally EVERYTIME I say "the iPhone 4 still has the best resolution screen" every fandroid says "resolution doesn't matter, human eyes can't notice the difference"... now that the Xoom has a higher res screen than the iPad2 it becomes "ZOMGS DA ANDROYDS REZ IZ CRZY GOOD! APPLEZ SUXORS!!!"
The iPad2 is the biggest win Apple has had since.... well since their last major release, the iPhone 4. It will not only be the number 1 tablet this year, it will gut Xoom sales with just it's announcement.