Iphone os

Sgt Jiggy

New Member
Feb 5, 2010
Reaction score
Ok not to stir the pot, but would it be possible to install the iphone os on a droid?
No. I could possibly be ported, but it would take alot of work.

And I saw an iPhone running android and it ran slower than anything I've ever seen.

Do you mind me asking why again? Why?
My curiosity is up as to the why as well..
Kinda falls in the same category of buying a Lamborghini and putting a 5.0 in place of the v12. Haha!

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I don't think its possible without hardware emulation. The Droid runs a TI OMAP processor while iOS is made to run on A4 chips and A4 chips only. What im trying to get at is the incompatibility of the architectures.

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it's not that I'm not happy with my Dx, I am. It's the best phone I've ever owned. I've had windows, blackberries and this is my second droid. I'm a mac fan, have one at work and at home. I guess I just want a prefect interface between phone and computer. I probably wouldn't even own a droid if AT&T had service in my area. They say they do, but they don't- they share with another wireless carrier. I've have had and still have problems with my Dx (wireless and zero corporate sync - I have to use touchdown) I have not heard the iphone having these issues, so "keep the phone change the os" the best of both worlds.