Irrevelant but still a question


Active Member
Aug 14, 2010
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Who remembers "free nights and weekends" as being a selling point on cell flashback
Lol I still remember getting bonus pages for my pager when cell phones were as big as my head.

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Was a great selling point. Too bad I don't really talk on the phone much

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Or the old bag phones in cars....aaaahahaha. Have we come a long way or what?

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I had Cellular One or was it 360 Cellular? With my sweet bag phone, I think it cost like 1.50 a minute to talk lol.
My family's first bag phone we got for free at Belks when we bought my sister's prom dress! It was huge, and did cost 2$ a minute!

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Back when those bag phones were the only thing out they gave you celebrity status. If you walked through a mall with it, everyone looked at you! And take it out to the bar? Holy crap, you became the center of attention! "Let me call my friend"! *Hey GoBears, I hope that Metallica was And Justice for All or earlier! :biggrin:
Yep...i was big pimpin...pager goes on the bag phone. Hahaha superstar status.

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So true. And I remember that VZW's big thing was it started at 7pm and not 9. That was sweet!
Yep. I remember that. I think vzn starts at 9 now. Lol

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It could be, I honestly don't even know. For the one call I make a week it doesn't matter to me anymore :p
Back when those bag phones were the only thing out they gave you celebrity status. If you walked through a mall with it, everyone looked at you! And take it out to the bar? Holy crap, you became the center of attention! "Let me call my friend"! *Hey GoBears, I hope that Metallica was And Justice for All or earlier! :biggrin:

Favorite CD of all time is Ride the Lightning and I always play my music loud haha!