Ahhh so you "stole" somebodies upgradeI don't have another phone on my family plan eligible for an upgrade atm. Ah well
I will in 1st quarter of next year. Will be interesting to see whats available then. Though I'll prolly wait till LTE is available in my home area and buy the latest and greatest then. No need to have outdated tech when they finely roll it out in nowheresville Missouri. Besides.. I CAN'T WAIT to root!
nice to be living in BFE missouri, eh? I feel your pain... Hahaha
Sent from my ADR6300
Well I'm not quite in BFE.. but yeah.. I'm also not high on the "we need to get LTE to that area" list either. Missouri actually has pretty piss poor 3g coverage compared to surrounding states. We are the red headed step children of the Verizon network.. and it's STILL better than At&t.