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Is anyone else as mad as I am?

As a side note, Droid was not the first "DROID" and the Droid Incredible was released very shortly after the Droid IIRC.

And the Incredible was a much nicer phone IMHO. (I never even owned it!)

Droid was much tougher however!

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk
The only reason this pisses me off is that I waited and waited for a decent replacement for my OG Droid, obviously I had to re-up for 2 years so you want something that's current for at least 6 months.
There were 4g phones out but none I wanted, I wanted to wait for the Bionic but I really like physical keyboards so the D3 was the only good option.

THIS ^ pretty much sums up my situation too. Very accurate description.

As a side note, Droid was not the first "DROID" and the Droid Incredible was released very shortly after the Droid IIRC.
THIS ^ on the other hand is way off, but it's how people who didn't buy the D3 in late 2011 try to imagine what it feels like.

As I've argued elsewhere (maybe even this thread :blink:), I haven't met a D3 owner who didn't PERFECTLY understand that you make your list of features, and then you buy the best device available at the time -- understanding something better will come soon. We all get it.

THE PROBLEM is...the (alleged) new device:

- is CALLED THE DROID 4 (maybe not, but that's the best guess)
- "replaces" a phone not 6 months old (please, no "Februrary means 8 months" argument!)
- is superior in a number of respects (esp. RAM), but there is wiggle-room on this (e.g., display, battery, etc.)
- appears to "push" the D3 into EOL (another rumor)
- will get ICS, while the D3 may not (stock anyway)

It feels like "piling on" in football, one hit, then another, then another, and so on. I think if the new device had a different name, or didn't have the keyboard or beg comparisons to the D3, virtually no D3 owners would say "Damn, I feel tricked." It's the package as a whole that burns.

If you didn't buy the D3 last year, please: (a) don't belittle the complaints of D3 owners (even if it sounds like whining) and (b) avoid comparing the situation to other device series. :)

Want to sell your D3?

My wife would like to stick with the D3 (against my suggestion). You can then purchase the D4.
My wife would like to stick with the D3 (against my suggestion). You can then purchase the D4.
Ah, hers is the one that flew off the Jeep? :icon_eek: I can't imagine how awful that must feel. I'm sure you'll find a few D3 sellers on this thread, but I figure most will want to wait until the D4 comes out before taking the leap, right?

I think the possibility that the D4 pushes the D3 into EOL is the biggest problem with this whole scenario. Motorola's software update timetable is pretty slow as it is, and I think there is legitimate concern that the D3 will now NEVER get an official version of ICS.

Verizon assured me when I got my D3 in July that it would, but Motorola doesn't have a good promise-keeping record. They assured us bootloaders would be unlocked 3rd or 4th quarter 2011 and that was obviously a falsehood which may never come to fruition.

I still like my D3 though and I'm running a nearly complete AOSP ICS already thanks to Hashcode. Probably wouldn't want an ugly, bastardized Motoblur version anyway.

Sent from my XT862 using DroidForums
I think the possibility that the D4 pushes the D3 into EOL is the biggest problem with this whole scenario. Motorola's software update timetable is pretty slow as it is, and I think there is legitimate concern that the D3 will now NEVER get an official version of ICS.

Is this based on the fact that the Droid X and Droid 2 both received Gingerbread well after they were replaced by the X2 and D3?

Verizon assured me when I got my D3 in July that it would

VERIZON did? Or was it some sales dweeb at Verizon who was trying to make a sale? ;)

but Motorola doesn't have a good promise-keeping record. They assured us bootloaders would be unlocked 3rd or 4th quarter 2011 and that was obviously a falsehood which may never come to fruition.

They never actually said this. What they said is that they hoped to provide the bootloader unlocker tool for the Xoom to other devices (note that this does not say all devices) before the end of 2011, subject to carrier and operator approval. Well, they are late with this, but, again - they never said it would be for all devices, and they did say subject to approval. I interpreted it as that there would be some devices that would get the tool.

Don't get me wrong - I'd love to see the bootloader unlockable - but let's be fair about what Motorola did or did not promise.

Last thing: to play devil's advocate, what exactly is a build of ICS going to deliver that cannot be managed in Gingerbread instead?

I still like my D3 though and I'm running a nearly complete AOSP ICS already thanks to Hashcode. Probably wouldn't want an ugly, bastardized Motoblur version anyway.

There is a saying: Be careful what you wish for, because you may just get it. Are we all 100% sure that we want a customized Moto ICS build?
VERIZON did? Or was it some sales dweeb at Verizon who was trying to make a sale? ;)

If a company's representative makes a statement, shouldn't the consumer be able to trust that the statement is accurate? Yes, it was a sales rep, who said in completely certain terms, "Yes the D3 will be getting ICS." It didn't make the sale, I was planning on buying the D3 regardless, but if Verizon is allowing their employees (or failing to train/supervise them properly) to tell bold-faced lies to customers, that is a problem in and of itself.

EDIT: Verizon has bootloader-unlockable phones from other manufacturers (Tbolt, Incredible 2, obviously the Nexus) in their lineup, so I would be inclined to think that any failure to do so is Moto's doing.
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Not sure about you, but speaking for the rest of us (give or take two): if you haven't been totally babmoozled, shnookered, and flat-out lied to by a Verizon in-store sales rep yet, it's just a matter of time until your trust is vaporized. I don't have enough fingers to count the times I've been told, "It's gonna happen, I'm sure of it." I think many/most of us spend weeks stalking the phone we want, so when we go in the store we're the most qualified person there to discuss its features (for that phone of course). It bugs me to no end when I'm told things about the phone I'm buying that are just plain wrong. My all-time favorite, while buying the OG Droid:

Me: Oh, you installed a task-killer on my phone
Rep: Yeah, our boss told us every Droid needs it
Me: But it's my phone...shouldn't I get to decide?
Rep: Trust me, you need it
Me: Get me another unit please, and leave it alone

In contrast, my phone-rep experiences are some of the best. Go figure. I'd have to guess the corporate stores are viciously competitive, and try to get phones sold any way they can.

THIS ^ on the other hand is way off, but it's how people who didn't buy the D3 in late 2011 try to imagine what it feels like.


What part is way off? The fact that the Droid Eris was first or that the Incredible was close after?
What part is way off? The fact that the Droid Eris was first or that the Incredible was close after?
Nonononono, sorry for the misunderstanding. There's no problem with the facts. But I read you as saying, "D1 owners were soon demoralized by the release of the DInc" (is that an OK paraphrasing?) and my response was "They were such different phones that they didn't beg for comparisons like the D3 vs. D4"

I actually did feel a little buyer's remorse when I saw the DInc. But the D1 was such a beautiful, unique phone -- and it had a RIDICULOUS amount of dev support --that I still felt like a lucky guy.

Now that I have the D3 and see the D4 -- not feeling as lucky.

I understand how everyone feels but i think a 6 to 8 month turn over is about right the way tech is advancing in phones.. Im againt the bionic razr thing they did... I wanted a 4g phone that was a 4.3 inch and htc so i got the bolt cuz my only other option was a dinc 2 in the htc camp.. then the rezound just came out i feel i bought the right phone waiting would be stupid cuz the bolt had the basic things i wanted and thats all that mattered.. I also looked at what would be available when i can upgrade and i will be one of the first to buy a htc quad core..why cuz thats what i want and if they up it from 1.5ghz to 2.5ghz i wont care i still got what i wanted.. The problem is with us not really the companys we are a society that strives to have the best things. U just need to change ur mindset. Most everyday people dont know anything about phones duel and quad core and ram and so on EVEN WHEN THEY OWN THE PHONE lol.. anyway so who cares just get what will satisfy you!

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums
What part is way off? The fact that the Droid Eris was first or that the Incredible was close after?

To be honest, both are slightly wrong. The Moto Droid was released the day before the Droid Eris, in November 2009, and Incredible came out in late April or early May 2010 (so about 6 months later). The Nexus One was released in January 2010 with promises that it would eventually be released on Verizon; a couple of months later, Verizon announced that this would not happen, but that the similar Incredible - with Sense rather than stock Android - would come out on Verizon instead.
Be glad you had six months so far and the D4 isn't even out yet. I had my bionic a few WEEKS when the Razr came out. Six months would have been awesome.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums