But do you really NEED disk drives anymore?Make no mistake: a tablet is a toy. No one needs an iPad or a XOOM.
People who are willing to pay monthly data plans for a smartphone AND a tablet are either too rich or too stupid... yeah I said it!
If you have a smartphone and a PC/laptop, you're set. Don't waste your money unless you have some to burn and you really enjoy tech toys.
Word. It's like a computer with no disk drives
I was thinking about this because of the Atrix4G connecting to the "laptop". And most of our phones have become our handheld computers now. Mine has. I rarely legally tether to my netbook anymore.
Google docs to store documents.
Various photo sites to keep photos on
Intranet accounts at work places and access to them through the web. With their own intranet site to host documents (we have one of those).
We'd need some space for aps to work with documents and photos. but that would be it. Well okay video until Netflix, and music until some other way of doing that (or is there?).
I think a lot of people have felt safer having disks, flashsticks, hard drives, etc., then it out there in cyber space. Me too. But I think it might be going to off site storage.
So one day tablets (with a separate keyboard) may be the way to go. Since at my current job I haven't typed all that much. I use a mouse (maybe one day a finger for touch screen) more then anything.
Just a thought...