Is it time to abandon Google Plus?

I'm always on G+. Less trolls and mindless followers traipsing around. I only keep Facebook for my friends and even they are starting to annoy me with the constant click bait and don't get me started on share whoring. Problem is that's what people want: junk. That's why G+ won't gain any traction.
The only reason I joined was to post a review on the Play Store. Other than that, not interested.
I'm kinda sad to see it's getting dropped. I think G+ is a little more organized than Facebook, but it was also too late to the game.
I'm kinda sad to see it's getting dropped. I think G+ is a little more organized than Facebook, but it was also too late to the game.
hey add me!....I post some pretty hilarious stuff.....cause you know I'm awesome
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Uh huh....

Not sure why the hug would be weird to you.... Lol