I'm planning on getting the Maxx HD when it arrives. How is it without a physical keyboard?
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I used to think I had to have a physical keyboard hence I got an og droid... until I discovered swype (where all you do is glide your finger over the letters in the word and it automatically knows what word you are intending to type). Once I started using swype, I never went back to opening that keyboard on that og droid. While you wait for the Maxx HD to be released try out the swype keyboards to see if it will work for you. Currently I am using Go Keyboard but TouchPal and FlexT9 is also good. If your phone has stock swype capabilities, you can start with enabling that. You may find that you prefer swype more than the physical keyboard.
On the other hand, there are several that have tried swype and not liked it. There are also some people that thought they needed to have the physical keyboard but when moving to the phones with the larger screens, they said that they didn't feel a need for a physical keyboard. If swype doesn't appeal to you, try the virtual keyboard on a friends phone with a larger screen (Razr, Maxx, SG3, Rezound, etc) or try it on the Verizon store demos...see how that works. It will give you an idea how you will feel without the physical keyboard.