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I found Google Now to be incredibly annoying. I disabled it after a couple days. The constant useless notifications were really grating on me. Especially the ones about my commute times to/from work several times throughout the day, when I was working!
My bionic updated to ics about a month ago now I have to wait for jelly bean when a lot of other phones and carries have it. Why is this Motorola or VZW? I think its a scam to get you to upgrade.
My first computer was an IBM 8088 in 1981. Then I just couldn't wait for the IBM 286, than the 386, then the 486, then the first Pentium, then the Pentium I, II, III and so on. Now it's Gingerbread, ICS, and Jellybean and whatever comes next. Well I'm getting off this train, lol. Every upgrade just seems to present new issues you finally found workarounds for in prior versions. With phones I've come to realize every problem that's possible to have someone will have. Just browse the forums for every popular phone and the thread titles are all the same. "Cracked Screen, WTF," "Dropping WIFI, WTF," "Can't Synch, WTF," "[Insert Carrier Here] Sucks, WTF!"
The folks over at*Droid-Life*have received a little tip which suggests that the Verizon Samsung Galaxy S3 Jelly Bean update may roll out this Friday, in other words just 3 days more