Is the inverted Talk.apk not compatible with GB?

well I give up on the smali thing. I just can't understand it. I think I'd need to have my hand held to figure it out :icon_eek:

Dumb blonde for ya lol

I know

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Hay now!! :rofl3:

now that you've stuck yur 2 cents in here you may as well help us dude!!

EDIT 10 mins later: CHICKEN! BWAK!! :rofl3:
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Just an FYI. I copied the whole smali file from my inverted talk.apk to the stock talk.apk just hoping that would work. It didn't. Talk still ran fine but there were no changes. I then copied the drawable, layout, menu, values and xml files to it and flashed. Everything worked fine but still....that one background is still white. i'm done with this crap for the day and possibly for the weekend. Yah ok i'm ocd so i'll prolly be up at 1 am at it again. :D
That's what I was going to try tonight....that shouldn't even be possible lol. Maybe we should just fix the white on white text and all do like a half moon collabo theme lol :)

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Yeah that's what me and es0 were saying, we'll call it zebra lol. I also thought MAYBE that image xml was in systemUi but I got an error decompiling and didn't try again (yet lol)

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Ok, so I am a smali retard (as I think most people are...LoL) but I am persistent. I was nosing around in the smali files and I found this:

.field private static sReceiveBackgroundColor:I

.line 103
sget v0, Lcom/google/android/talk/ChatView;->sReceiveBackgroundColor:I (twice)

.line 210
sput v3, Lcom/google/android/talk/ChatView;->sReceiveBackgroundColor:I

You'll find it in the decompiled smali folders with the path just like it reads there:
com > google > android > talk > ChatView

The lower case lettered ones are the folders and the ChatView can be opened up with Notepad/Notepad++/gedit/ etc.

Now, where this leads to, I haven't figured out yet, but I was referred to these pages:

Bytecode for the Dalvik VM
Registers - smali - Information about registers in the smali format specifically, and dalvik bytecode in general - Project Hosting on Google Code
TypesMethodsAndFields - smali - Some general information about how types, methods and fields are represented in dalvik bytecode - Project Hosting on Google Code understand the process a little more. I haven't had any time since I found this stuff, but thought maybe it would help someone else take the next step. I'll look more at it later on tonight. Awfully complicated to change one thing, I know...
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Isn't receive chat the bg from your buddy tho?... which is already inverted.... I thought the white bg was the other bg, where YOUR text as the user is.... maybe I'm wrong tho..... lol..

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Ohhh hmm. I was looking at it as receiving the color for the background... I dunno...told ya I don't understand smali. LoL ;)
Lol.... well I haven't even looked at the Apk for a while so I could very well be wrong..... it just sounds logical is all.... lol. Not sure why that bg and maybe one text color is in smali while everything else is in res..... kinda stupid imo..... :)

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Lol.... well I haven't even looked at the Apk for a while so I could very well be wrong..... it just sounds logical is all.... lol. Not sure why that bg and maybe one text color is in smali while everything else is in res..... kinda stupid imo..... :)

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I agree. Bboy i'm really shocked you don't use inverted talk in your themes. have you ever tried it?
Lol.... well I haven't even looked at the Apk for a while so I could very well be wrong..... it just sounds logical is all.... lol. Not sure why that bg and maybe one text color is in smali while everything else is in res..... kinda stupid imo..... :)

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I agree. Bboy i'm really shocked you don't use inverted talk in your themes. have you ever tried it?

Yeah and I love it... wanted to change all the text colors tho and can't on at least one on the main screen.... plus I haven't talked to the bowers or ecsnead for permission..... but I will once we or someone gets the gb one inverted.... and I learn how to edit smali files... lol...
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Ok i'm pretty sure I found it but I don't know how to make it all one color. if you pull the chat down at the top it does the same fade pink to white
If the pink fade is at both the top and the bottom it more then likely is the colorcachehint (shadow effect) that you are changing. Again just my 2 cents, keep plugging along.
Someone post the apk for what they have done so far and fill me in on whats missing. I will dive into smali and see what I can find.
We might have gotten it.. cakes is testing it now.. dancedroiddancedroid