Is this going to work? Regarding upgrade


Jan 18, 2010
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I really don't think there's going to be any issues with this, but I figured I'd ask.

My mother is eligible for an upgrade, she is going to let me use her upgrade to get the Bionic (we have 2 different VZW plans). I would then take the Bionic when it arrived, and activate it on my plan, and I am giving to give her my DX.

Should I be able to do this without a hitch?
Do you think going into the store with her and her buying it on her upgrade, taking it home and activating it on my plan would work as well?
if its in her name go in with her tell them you want to use her upgrade on your line the will say ok and hook you up there.:happy:
Even though it's 2 completely different accounts? For some reason I don't think it's going to be that easy.
It works just like if you were to sell someone your phone. As long as the device's SN isn't black listed, they'll activate whatever you bring with you.
Alright so here's the scenario, my Mom and I both go into the VZW store Thursday night, and she says, I want to use my upgrade, but he's going to activate the phone on his own account, and then I'm going to take his old phone and activate it on my account.

Just like that?
I guess I'm thinking it's going to be a lot more complicated, but now that I think of it, it sounds super easy. I thought I was going to have to do it on their website.
You can do it just as you said above. They have no reason to tell you no, they sell a phone and get a new 2 year contract from your mom, which is what they want.

They could care less who uses the phone after the sale.
Damn, I just got super excited. Here I am thinking I'm going to have to wait until Saturday (with shipping) to get this thing in my hands.

But she'd still be getting a new 2 year contract even though she's getting a hand me down?
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Yes, she'll still be locked into a 2 year contract, just with your old phone.

My wife & I are on the same account, but we did something similar when her phone broke. They had no issues activating her new phone off my upgrade, then I was able to do the same when her upgrade time came (which is how I got my OG Droid).

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But she'd still be getting a new 2 year contract even though she's getting a hand me down?[/QUOTE]

Is this a real question? Yes! How else do you get the bionic at contract pricing?

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Thanks for the input Tegamel.
Even though it's 2 completely different accounts? For some reason I don't think it's going to be that easy.
As far as I know Verizon really doesn't care what you do with the phone after you buy it and get a new contract
should not be a problem... In fact, some people may take the option of opening a second line for a month or two to get a new phone at new contract pricing, than when they have their primary line come to an end, they discontinue the second line instead of the primary line.
All you really end up doing is changing your plan to a shared account & paying the extra $10 or so per line.. Better than paying retail for a new phone when you want a new phone right away but your upgrade isn't due for a few months. (Probably why they offer upgrades prior to the end of your 2 - year as it saves that hassle and locks people in contracts).

But, yes, you should not have a problem. They could simply activate the bionic w/ her # than swap the ID #s so she has your X w/ her # and you get the bionic with your #. Now your line doesn't have a contract extension added to it, but she does. If she doesn't utilize the phones like you do, than a X should last her quite a long time.