I'm currently on a family plan with unlimited data. I need to upgrade my phone (cracked screen), and don't want to pay full price for a phone. I also don't want a phone with a freaking huge screen, so the S3 is out. I would get the Rezound, but one of the several ways that Verizon is screwing customers right now is to have the $79.99 deal for the Rezound online only. It's still $200 in the store.
Of course, another way that Verizon is screwing with customers is by pushing back the release of the DInc 4G LTE (4-inch screen) until after the 6/28 doomsday.
I've gone into two Verizon stores and spoken to two Verizon sales reps about the new shared data plans. Their employees are very well programmed in the rhetoric to make customers think the new shared data plans are a good thing. For example, I was told that I would be paying $30 less each month by switching to a new plan with data sharing. After my company's discount, I currently pay a little over $180 for 1400 minutes (unlimited M2M, any network, unlimited messaging, and family & friends), two lines at $9.99 each, unlimited data for two phones (2 x $29.99), and insurance for two smartphones (2 x $6.99), and taxes/fees.
Anyway, the sales rep I spoke with today said that instead of paying $60 for unlimited data, I would be paying $70 for sharing 4GB, but the other charges would be less, and I would get unlimited calls to anyone (mobile or landline.)
Currently, we use 0.3 GB per month, but my wife is reluctant to lose our unlimited because she may want to start streaming TV shows and movies outside the house. We have our phones connected to our WiFi at home.
So, can someone lay this out for me? Should I be trying to hold on tooth and nail to my unlimited data? Is it worth the $30 more each month (plus the cost of paying full-price for a phone) that I supposedly would continue to pay by not switching?