Issues theming Vending.apk

I haven't gotten any FCing installed a few apps and auto updated google maps today

Ya I used tapatalk...
I haven't gotten any FCing installed a few apps and auto updated google maps today

Did you use SPR or CW to install?

Can you can post your, it might be my zip file that is causing the problems
I used CW and put the apk in with a custom theme zip I can give you the whole theme link if you want.

Side note.... only thing I've noticed is when posting a comment the txt doesn't show up unless selected. Might be my theme might not be lol

Ya I used tapatalk...
I did basically the same thing, used CW and put the .apk in a I have used successfully for other .apk's and I got the FC thing, I appreciate the offer but I guess I will just wait it out.

The last ROM I was on did that FC thing and I dealt with it for weeks, if I was trying to update multiple apps from the Market I would have to hurry up and choose update on one before the other got done installing and the whole thing Force Closed and I had to start over again

Just moved to SS 4.7 and that issue has disappeared, and I don't want to see it again anytime soon.

It does look amazing though

tparker here is the file in an I used this in CW just fine. Check your data part in market under manage applications. Make sure there is something there. If you pushed any version of vending to your phone before it may not work. I did that and had to reflash the rom, let the market do it's install of my apps. Then I did the
Alright, I tried flashing my, and thebowers, your, I even took the .apk and put it in the and reflashed the entire ROM (without wiping) and I still get force closes...the next thing will be to wipe and flash the entire ROM again, I will try that later today and post back with the results
You can't put the .apk in a rom to flash (at least from what I have gathered). Load the rom from scratch, let the default market get your apps and install them. Then boot into recovery and flash the blackmarket. This is the way it worked for me.
I'm still having problems as well with the FC's. I've loaded a new ROM with the old Vending.apk and then I installed the BlackMarket using CW. Still receiving FC errors. I think I'm going to give up for the time being... HA!

Bowers - One note, the buttons on your second screen shot in the first post don't look like the buttons in the actual app. I like the ones in the screen shot better. :)
Here is what I did...and it worked (thanks B) I booted into recovery, wiped data and cache, loaded SS 4.7 (untouched) and let it boot up, went right back into recovery and flashed and worked beautifully, untill I NinjaMorphed a few.png's, (the launcher and bag icons to be specific) then I got the F/C again, so I restored my backup

So it does work and here is my plan for the weekend, since I have made so many changes to the SS framework-res and the system/app.apk's already (mostly.png's)...I bring my theme with me everywhere I go ;)

I am going to take the original SS and remove the framework-res.apk and put in my themed SS framework-res then do the same with the system/app folder in the SS, and leave the original Vending.apk untouched, wipe data/cache and install my modified SS, then on my computer change the .png's within the blackmarket (using 7zip) and then flash it as an

In my mind this is foolproof, I will post back with the results
Here is what I did...and it worked (thanks B) I booted into recovery, wiped data and cache, loaded SS 4.7 (untouched) and let it boot up, went right back into recovery and flashed and worked beautifully, untill I NinjaMorphed a few.png's, (the launcher and bag icons to be specific) then I got the F/C again, so I restored my backup

So it does work and here is my plan for the weekend, since I have made so many changes to the SS framework-res and the system/app.apk's already (mostly.png's)...I bring my theme with me everywhere I go ;)

I am going to take the original SS and remove the framework-res.apk and put in my themed SS framework-res then do the same with the system/app folder in the SS, and leave the original Vending.apk untouched, wipe data/cache and install my modified SS, then on my computer change the .png's within the blackmarket (using 7zip) and then flash it as an

In my mind this is foolproof, I will post back with the results

Please do because I'm in the same boat in needing to change some .png's for theming.
The buttons in the app pull from your framework. The buttons you see in the pic are from my theme.
I am going to take the original SS and remove the framework-res.apk and put in my themed SS framework-res then do the same with the system/app folder in the SS, and leave the original Vending.apk untouched, wipe data/cache and install my modified SS, then on my computer change the .png's within the blackmarket (using 7zip) and then flash it as an

In my mind this is foolproof, I will post back with the results

Please do because I'm in the same boat in needing to change some .png's for theming.

This worked perfect, I tried several other ways throughout the day and it was not until I got home and was able to take my entire system/app and framework and put it into a ROM, clear data/cache flash my ROM and boot back into recovery and then flash the

I have no F/C's and the changes I made to the with 7zip before installing took effect also, throughout the day I tried to wipe data/cache and install this, I forgot I didn't have a launcher in the system/app, so I had to restore and then I tried again with a launcher in the system and it didn't work

dancedroidAgain B Thanks, Your Work is Amazingdancedroid
hello can we get a new link to the since this one doesnt work?
im getting this "The file link that you requested is not valid" i like this theme and would love to have the black market to go along with it. or can i just rename the vending app? im using sprecovery so should i just rename the vending app
any help would be appreciated. and sorry if i sound like a noob because i am but im learning dammit. i got this far with out breaking the damm thing.


I can completely invert Vending.apk (market) but anytime I install or unistall an app it fc's. Anyways looking for advice or people wanting to test it out.



i installed it a an and it worked perfectly.NO fc ever :icon_ banana: