Definitely a keeper... not a remote question.
That's not to say it's perfect.. but what is. At this moment, this early stage, I have fewer issues with the DROID or Android than I did with my so-mature-it's-kind-of-over-with Palm Treo 700p and the PalmOS. That alone is enough reason to stay.
There are other issues. First of all, what are the problems. Sure, there are some bugs... but they're actively being worked on. Nice for a change. There's enough pressure behind Android that it's only going to get better for the foreseeable future. I don't have any deal-breaker that I believe is due to DROID hardware.
Second, where are you going instead? I'm done with proprietary OSs, period. I don't like the power that grants the hardware vendor, nor the lack of options. That's not an open source issue, but FOSS only make multi-platform software better -- perhaps I could fix a big problem myself, if I'm so motivated. So, before I even look at what they offer, this locks out Apple, RIM, and Palm. Fact is, I do know what they offer, and I find the DROID and Android already a match if not yet better at all things.
So I have my C64 Emulator, with Commodore BASIC... just for fun and nostalgia, sure (I was the #2 hardware guy on the Commodore 128 project). But it's also very, very important. The C64 thing may be silly, but the same "Apple Rejection Law" that kicked this out also prevents very important Web things, like Java, Flash, and Shockwave. Those will never be on the iPhone as long as the policy remains, which permanently puts the iPhone up as a second class citizen on the Web. These are not all in place yet on Android, but they will be. Nothing else out there matches the web experience on Android or iPhone, but really, one of the main reasons for that $30 a month, to me anyway, it Internet Anywhere. Why view it from a self-imposed ghetto?
So I'm left with Android phones as my only choice. There are plenty of very good options, but I think the DROID is ideal for what I want. I don't fault anyone else in finding their needs differ.