What else do they have coming?
Was wondering this also?
Man I hope this f'in thing comes next week...I just shattered the screen on my Incredible (my first drop EVER absolutely SHATTERS the screen, I've never seen anything like it, phone still functions perfectly thank goodness) and pre-ordered the TB at Bestbuy...they told me the 14th like everyone else.
Poster JFMFT - I read in another thread you are a Verizon employee, thought maybe I'd pose this question to you.
I have no insurance on my plan so I can't use that for my shattered Incredible. Since I am due for an upgrade I thought I'd just wait it out a week for the TB. But if the TB is delayed, I'm stuck with a busted looking phone for longer. I was thinking - could I just 'upgrade' to a brand new Incredible or hell even an iPhone but return it within 30 days and get the TB (assuming the TB comes out within 30 days)? Does that 30 day 'grace period' still apply? I was in too big of hurry at the Verizon store to ask yesterday.
From what I've been reading, its no longer 30 days. It is a 14 day grace period now.
Best buy told me since I was paying full price that I would get the full 30 day grace period. As for contracts im not sure how this will work. I will verify this when I do pick it up though
Not sure if verizon will give the same 30 day grace period if you pay full price or not.
sent from my X