Jarvis - Text 'n Drive Robot App Saves Us From Ourselves


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

One of our newer members, beastman, aka, Paul DeMarco, created a brilliant app that he is giving away for free to help save us from our own bad habits. He noticed something that is becoming more and more obvious all the time... that texting while driving is becoming a large and very dangerous problem. Rather than just complain about it, Paul jumped into action and did something about it. He created this awesome little voice-to-text app he calls, "Jarvis." The video below shows off the effectiveness of the "Text n' Drive" app far better than any description I could write.


He already posted a thread about his app, and it looks like the first review from one of our other members, REMilk, was pretty glowing. Here's a quote from Paul DeMarco regarding his motivation for this project,
I made Jarvis to alleviate the rising number of accidents due to texting and driving, and any exposure to get this on more devices would make our roads safer.

I urge you guys to give this one a try and share in this thread any constructive feedback that could help Paul in this noble cause. Below is a link to the Android Market for you to download it, and I also included a link to his original post, so that you can see the user-review.

Source: Android Market - Jarvis Text n' Drive Robot App and DroidForums - From the Forums: Jarvis - Text 'n Drive Robot App
I downloaded it and installed it after reading Paul's thread about it, i haven't had a chance to try it while driving but played with it at home and it is not bad at all.. :clap:
I consider Jarvis Text 'n Drive a 'must have' app. Please read my 2 reviews (link in the original post of this thread), one when I tested it, and a second after real-world use!

definitely going to download and try this out.

gonna be in and out the house today, hopefully get a chance to try it out
Still hoping/waiting for an app like this featuring Dragon Dictation.

Sent using common sense.
Installed but can't get it to work. Jarvis will install & then ask that you install Speech Synthesis. After that is when i'm having trouble.
Really want to try this out.
Installed but can't get it to work. Jarvis will install & then ask that you install Speech Synthesis. After that is when i'm having trouble.
Really want to try this out.

The use of "Speech Synthesis" is noted in the instructions, Paul needs to add this as a requirement for Jarvis to work. I noted the need to install "Speech Synthesis" in my first post on test. The "Speech Synthesis" is available on the App Market, just download and install. If you are only interested in the English language, there is no need to download any additional language.

The use of "Speech Synthesis" is noted in the instructions, Paul needs to add this as a requirement for Jarvis to work. I noted the need to install "Speech Synthesis" in my first post on test. The "Speech Synthesis" is available on the App Market, just download and install. If you are only interested in the English language, there is no need to download any additional language.


Thanks. I fixed this by changing my voice recognizer from Vlingo app to Google Voice.
I must be stupid or something because I can't get this app to do what it does in the video. I know Google Voice Recognition is working because I use it all the time but when I get a text message Jarvis tells me who the text is from but I can't get it to do anything else. :confused: I also have a hard time understanding some of what the robotic voice is even saying. Doesn't sound like Jarvis from IronMan. This app is kind of a dissapointment.
REMilk said:
I consider Jarvis Text 'n Drive a 'must have' app. Please read my 2 reviews (link in the original post of this thread), one when I tested it, and a second after real-world use!
Bob, I appreciate it, reviews like this are what keep me pushing out updates until there’s maximum compatibility.

dezymond said:
gonna be in and out the house today, hopefully get a chance to try it out
I look forward to hearing about the experience!

johnomaz said:
Wish he had it playback because i'd like to know how accurate the app is at picking up the voice.
I will be re-doing the promotional video as a lot has changed with the app since release, thank you for the suggestion I’ll make sure I demo the “playback” command this time around.
Briankbl said:
Still hoping/waiting for an app like this featuring Dragon Dictation.
I’m not sure what you mean, Dragon Dictation as a replacement for Google Voice Recognition?

REMilk said:
The use of "Speech Synthesis" is noted in the instructions, Paul needs to add this as a requirement for Jarvis to work.
As of v1.5 if Jarvis notices “Speech recognition” is unavailable, it will (prompt first) then launch the market to the “Voice Search” by google install. If there are other programs particular devices need, please let me know.

MAMBA24ILL said:
Thanks. I fixed this by changing my voice recognizer from Vlingo app to Google Voice.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I will put a clause in the description about the Vlingo app.

Dondee said:
I must be stupid or something because I can't get this app to do what it does in the video. I knowGoogle Voice Recognition is working because I use it all the time but when I get a text message Jarvis tells me who the text is from but I can't get it to do anything else.
I also have a hard time understanding some of what the robotic voice is even saying.
I’m sorry you’ve had such a bad experience with Jarvis thus far, please understand this app is very new and I will do everything in my power to get this to work for you. Please email me at [email protected] so I can get to the bottom of the issue.

Dondee said:
Doesn't sound like Jarvis from IronMan. This app is kind of a dissapointment.
I have gotten a request for GLaDOS from portal, and Jarvis from IronMan, I have spent a lot of time looking into the possibility of different voices, but unfortunately the Google TTS engine is pretty tight at the moment. I have added a pitch setting that will hopefully suffice until something more personable is released. Note: if you raise the pitch of the voice it might be easier to understand
This app rocks!! Does it work with bluetooth?? If this does it will be fantastic for my Motorcycle. I have bluetooth in my helmet and getting texts is annoying because it keeps notifying me with no wat to aknowledge it

Very cool idea. I had to uninstall it for now though because I lost all volume control after installing. Hopefully I'm the only one experiencing this issue because this looks like a very useful app.

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