As a motorcylist, I don't get the luxury of being distracted by eating, drinking, playing with my iPod, making a call, sending a text or email, changing a CD or any of the other 50 things that drivers do instead of driving. I have all the time in the world to watch the things that drivers do, half of them not even being aware that they are doing it.
Everyone thinks that they are a good driver, but 4 out 5 people reading this, aren't. You just don't know how bad you are until you have a chance to watch yourself from a position of someone that has to constantly try to read your mind, anticipate whatever stupid thing you might do, dodge you when you just turn into my lane without looking or signaling, slam on the brakes and take evasive maneuvers when you pull out right in front of me, etc... I wish that everyone could ride, because being on a bike with no seat belt, no airbags, no crumple zones or protection other than a jacket and jeans, where locking up a tire does't just make a squealing noise, it usually means you are eating pavement... It would give you an completely new insight as to what goes on every day. When you are in a car, you are in a nice, quiet and controlled cage, surrounded by layers of protection and distractions, and most people have no clue what they are doing.
It was a real eye opener for me when I started riding. It makes you a better driver because it makes you painfully aware(sometimes literally) just how bad the average driver is.
And cell phones are a HUGE part of it. I see it every single day I am out there. People weaving around, driving slow, cutting people off, slamming on brakes with no warning, no turn signals, drifting over the line, etc... All because they have to yap to their dopey friend about American Idol from last night.
I think that hands free helps, but even the act of looking down and scrolling through contacts for a number and placing the call is enough to cause an accident and kill someone.
There was a study that showed that a 25 year old on a cell phone, had the driving skill and reaction time of a senior citizen, or being under the influence. It really is that bad.