JB 4.1 update


Aug 16, 2010
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Just got the update for JB 4.1. Very upset at this update. Will not let me use foxfi hot spot says Verizon has blocked it. Anyway l turn my phone back to 4.0 just wanting foxfi again
Just got the update for JB 4.1. Very upset at this update. Will not let me use foxfi hot spot says Verizon has blocked it. Anyway l turn my phone back to 4.0 just wanting foxfi again

There is no going back to ics, but you can root, and get hotspot, or you can pay for hotspot if your on unlimited still

razr on 215 leak
JB killed all 3rd party wi-fi apps with JB. It's not Foxfi's fault and I doubt there will be a fix, it's the GREEDY phone companies that killed the ability to use our phones as hotspots with 3rd party apps. I have not loaded JB yet for that reason. I wasn't going to root, but I think now I will. I am not going to pay Verizon another $20 a month to use my data that I am already paying for that expires every month anyway. It was a good ride while it lasted, I enjoyed the convenience and savings, but I guess it is time to move on.
If your data expires every month...then that tells me you are on a tiered plan???? If this is correct then you already have HOT Spot built in and it does not cost any more than the amount of data you may use in a month depending on how many gigs you are already paying for.
I think if you pay for data, it should roll over if you didn't use it all, you could build up a data pool

razr on 215 leak
I'm on a share plan and have hot spot feature. My limit is 2gb but I never use more then half that a month.
I have the unlimited data plan so I guess the ride is over. My hoy has the nexus with jb 4:2 his foxfi works excellent. I don't know what happened there. I would like to root but don't know how. I and what are the chances of me bricking my phone? Any step by step instructions on how to root?
If your data expires every month...then that tells me you are on a tiered plan???? If this is correct then you already have HOT Spot built in and it does not cost any more than the amount of data you may use in a month depending on how many gigs you are already paying for.
I have a 4 GB plan at $30. per month. I tried using mobil hotspot and it says to call 1-800-256-4646, so I am guessing that is to sign up for an additional $20. a month. If I only use 1 GB per month of my plan. the other 3 GB expire and I start all over again with with 4 GB on my billing cycle date.
With a family share plan you get mobile hotspot, I don't think you do with just a single line. Should be the same for both, but it's not.

We are the Droid!!
You will be assimilated!!
Resistance is futile!!
Pretty upset too!

Oh... so that's what happened! One of the main functions I used with my phone - the voice commands - now no longer works right! Used to be ONE press of the button and I could say "navigate to..." and have my gps set right up. Now it's going to a screen with a keyboard, and I have to find the little mic icon up at the top. Not something I can do while driving. I am completely PO'd at this point. Is there any way to work around this for someone who is very non-techy and has no clue what "rooting" means?


Try going into settings -> accessability and changing the "Double tap home" setting to voice commands. Then, whenever you double tap home you will get that familiar "say a command" prompt and it will work just like before.


Try going into settings -> accessability and changing the "Double tap home" setting to voice commands. Then, whenever you double tap home you will get that familiar "say a command" prompt and it will work just like before.


Thanks, Mike - that almost gets me where I want to be! Voice Commands used to work with the search icon (the last one on the right), and it was easiest to hit without having to look at the phone. I hope to get that back. Also, when Voice Commands did come up just now, it's not recognizing the "navigate" command anymore, which is almost the only one I used other than making phone calls. Probably used it MORE than making phone calls! Loved that I could give it a business name, it would look up the address, and set the course seamlessly. Can't believe that's missing from the "new & improved" version.

Hitting the search icon on the bottom right brings up Google Now. You can use it to request Navigation just like you would with Voice Commands. Or you can open Google Navigation and do the voice search through there.
Hitting the search icon on the bottom right brings up Google Now. You can use it to request Navigation just like you would with Voice Commands. Or you can open Google Navigation and do the voice search through there.

But not without finding the second mic icon (upper part of the screen) and then talking - it's now a two step process for what used to be one step, and it's more difficult for me while driving. (My eyes just don't re-adjust that quickly from road to phone screen... what can I say, I'm old!) This truly is a step backwards for this phone. Same thing with opening Navigation and doing it from there. Smaller icons/middle of the screen versus one place - bottom right of the phone without even looking.
Another thing I just discovered is that the music player I was using has disappeared, to be replaced by "Play Music". I don't know if this is a function of Play Music or JB, but now the music doesn't completely mute when the navigation speaks, it just dims the volume a little. I find it hard to hear the voice navigation over the music. I don't see anything under settings to change that, but I may be missing something.