Yes your English is very good! Mine appears to be signal keeps trying to lock onto a signal. This is only happening in one location - where I work. I work in an old World War II building with no wifi and no 4G. I put the phone on 3G but apparently it still has difficulty during the day. My battery drain and wake locks stop as soon as I leave work. I also had only occasion where Gmail was syncing and would not stop. I have since stopped all auto-sync function. You could try that. If you have apps set to auto update try turning that off. Mine appears perfectly normal today - but I am at home rather than work. I will most likely see the battery drop Monday when I am back at work. Read thru this thread as Telescopist said...there are a lot of good tips in it! Today it has been off the charger since 6 am and I am at 89% left. I won't need to charge till tomorrow night.
You might want to try LTE on/off app. It allows you to keep it on 3G all the time. I've used it since ICS. Because my phone even though it was set to LTE/CDMA it was always looking for 4G. But with this app it doesn't. Works really well.