Jelly Bean


Silver Member
Mar 1, 2011
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Ok,so we think the next desert(4.1),will be called Jelly Bean.Im guessing the GSM versions will get it first.If thats the case,then how long do you think we'll have to wait before we get it?I sure hope it does'nt take as long for us to 4.1 as it took for us to get 4.0.4.
Ok,so we think the next desert(4.1),will be called Jelly Bean.Im guessing the GSM versions will get it first.If thats the case,then how long do you think we'll have to wait before we get it?I sure hope it does'nt take as long for us to 4.1 as it took for us to get 4.0.4.

Any guesses would be pure speculation, but I don't see why Verizon would change their methods. So a delay will probably be very likely, unfortunately.
Ok,so we think the next desert(4.1),will be called Jelly Bean.Im guessing the GSM versions will get it first.If thats the case,then how long do you think we'll have to wait before we get it?I sure hope it does'nt take as long for us to 4.1 as it took for us to get 4.0.4.

You already know the answer to this. If you wait for Verizon to push this, you'll be waiting a very long time (6+ months).

However, the second Google releases the code for JB, devs will have it up and running for the Verizon Nexus within hours.
Developers will have it out before Verizon, that's all I care about.