It happened to me, just pulling it out of my pocket. I'm usually sooooooooo careful. I had a Nokia N95 for a year that never touched the ground, but the Droid dropped.
The Droid dropped.
The Droid dropped.
It fell from about 3 feet high, hit on the upper corner of the screen, bounced, did a cartwheel, and landed on it's back... all in super-s-l-o-w motion.
In that instant, the world stopped spinning. There was no sound. Nothing else existed.
All in the blink of an eye.
Result: not a scratch... but dayummmmmmmmmm!!!
It's built like a hybrid Rolls Royce/Tank, but still, gotta be careful!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, spot on! You described so well. Split second heart wrenching freak out the first time it happens. I never dropped it from my car but I have dropped it from my desktop at work 4 times now. The first time, I turned around and elbowed and it went flying. OMFG! I would never ever say to anyone that it is just a phone and I don't want to hear anyway to say it to me. The Droid is much more that. :0