Just FYI: Saturday Jan 26th It Will Be Illegal in the US to Unlock Your Phone


The argument that Verizon or any other CDMA carrier developed a phone is ridiculous. They developed a network CDMA, with only 25% of the world uses. The software Verizon puts on your phone has insignificant value to end user. By fulfilling the contract terms-you own the phone, at quite a substantial cost to you Mr. end user. Go buy an unlocked, carrier free GSM phone and join the rest of the world. Calculate the costs, savings. Do some research. I enjoy paying $48/month unlimited everything including taxes, less than half of what I paid verizon.
I am not sure if someone already posted this in the thread, but Engadget did a great writeup with a full primer explaining the new US government law and everything surrounding it. It's very long, but definitely worth your time if you want to educate yourself on this important issue. Here it is: Engadget Primed: making sense of the US' new phone unlocking policy