Just picked up my M...very impressed to this point. I've come to the following conclusion after reading numerous user/website reviews: the majority of people are afraid of change in a mobile device. OMG, it only has 3 buttons instead of 4, it's power button is on the side, mine is on top and countless other trivial details. Based on this fear, aspects of the device can be nit-picked (despite the fact the M is 2 years newer than my old phone, based on SOME reviews I thought my phone was going to look like Tetris on GameBoy when I watched a vid, ha) and criticized. I'll make it work if there's a feature I don't like. If your in the market for an upgrade and ur current phone is an older 3G, the M will blow you away (and please don't reply that phone "X" is way better than the M...it may be true as I'm not Master Androidian, but you get my point)...plus it's only $100 bucks, can't beat it. Sorry for the rant, but just trying to give some legit feedback to people in the market who may read this thread looking for opinions, I know I did