Just saying Hi..

I believe Eris is still running like 1.5, I've heard rumors that 2.x will get pushed by the end of the quarter, but that was from the sales rep so..... For now I'll use the workaround.

Haha! Maybe HTC will do a better job and maybe VZW will have their act together for you folks, but we heard that promise a few times before we got 2.1...

In any case, the workaround I supplied for you will also allow you to use a song as an alarm clock notification. I just remembered that. When you go to select ringtone for the alarm, I believe it's in there. That's how it worked on my G1, anyway, and I'm pretty sure it was running 1.5 or less the last time I could get it to turn on...
I put little faith in the promises of sales reps, heck I'm still waiting for a phone call about a patch for my Enve that I got rid of about 2 years ago.
I put little faith in the promises of sales reps, heck I'm still waiting for a phone call about a patch for my Enve that I got rid of about 2 years ago.

Lol! I won't get into the half hour+ discussion I had on the phone with customer service in which the lady told me all about her email and facebook (I was getting an odd text message and later found out it was because of the e-mail program I had on my LG Triton previously) and ended up not helping me at all and then asking me if there was anything else she could help with...:icon_evil:
