Benn on Liberty cuz that's what I'm about...
Justice is an amazing rom in my opinion. This is my first adventure into the CM series roms. There are a few bugs but they seem to be related to the CM7 build its based off of and compatibility issues with some rom toolbox options. However the rom is quite robust if you crave a feature/control rich device.
- Developed by jrummy16
- Integration with Rom Toolbox and Theme Chooser
- Status Bar vastly improved over stock
- Added Settings options and improved overall customization
- Very stable considering some current incompatibilities
- Built in sound scheme profiling
- Very much like Liberty's bigger brother
- Tests quite high in quadrant (2240 overclocked after normal usage)
- Stable Overclocked at 1250 mhz with Android Overclock (smartass governor)
- ADW Based launcher

- 1% Battery incriments. Looks better in juice plotter and better stats
- Boot options such as cache clearing
- Keeps a considerable amount of free ram, to a disadvantage at times, however it's preferable to the opposite and seems more appropriate.
- Beta tested an App Manager by jrummy16 and I assume it's potential integration will be very handy especially if it contends with apps like Titanium Backup
- Certainly suggest many of the mentioned apps (especially jrummy16 apps) for the full effect (Donate, you'll get your bucks worth)
- DSP Manager not working yet.
- GPS not operable on flash (fix by flashing known CM7 gps fix)
- LED flash and color customization only works on cycle/blend all colors mode
- Occasionally freezes in graphics intensive games and Maps (no pattern could be me)
- Had to restore Street View from Titanium backup version (possible GPS relation) However it is still not downloadable through the market
- GPS fix corrected loss of Navigation app and corrected Maps issues
- Seems to have issues with ADW Launcher EX lag after a new flash but it always gets better over time. I prefer EX over ADW basic
- Battery consumption seems to have increased but too did the fun
- GMail app won't send mail
- Option to lock certain apps in memory is broken and seems helpful for Launcher lag issues
- New format of flasable rom package is inconvenient
- Being a new rom and a beta I'm very pleased and really look forward to future releases despite the lack of polish
- jrummy16 needs a direct line from beta testers.
All in all I feel like I'm holding a very unique device with this rom. If you are an experienced android dev you could probably work out several of the quirks by yourself. And even if your not they can be fixed if your familiar with getting this far. jrummy16 is worth the donate button.
Happy Flashing!