
I had the same problem. There is a bootanimation.zip in your data/local folder. Run terminal emulator and type in:

rm /data/local/bootanimation.zip

The phone looks in both folders at boot but takes data 1st

yes thanks I found that out a while ago, I just manually copied and pasted the animation I wanted to use into the data/local folder using root explorer instead.
If I put a new font into the fonts folder will it automatically detect it and allow me to select it or do I need to overwrite one that is already listed?? Thanks!!!!
Thanks man, sounds great. I will give it a try after I take the family to the pool!!!! it's 400 degrees here?!?!?!?! :icon_eek::icon_eek:
Remove Email

any reason "Remove Email" script wouldn't work? Says it's removed after running but it's still there, even after reboot . . .
any reason "Remove Email" script wouldn't work? Says it's removed after running but it's still there, even after reboot . . .

I have that same result. Had to use Root Manager to remove it and any other system apps I wanted gone.
im pretty sure the reason it doesnt work is because the app is not spelled right in the script....if you look at the script i think its just called "Email.apk" but the acctual app is EmailGoogle.apk i just removed it via terminal anyways
thanks I'll try that and post back. . .

The other issue I had this morning is the Music script, ran it and removed my stock Music app but didn't replace it with the alternate, even though said it had. Rebooted and still not there so ran script again to no avail, now no Music player. Fortunately I have TuneWiki ;-)
ran the Music_fix_update posted and just FYI for those with the issue, did work for however installed the stock Music app with the "speaker" icon not the modified version I lost
ok getting an error when trying to change boot animations, says Boot animations folder does not exist in /sdcard/goodies/bootanimations, my folder syntax is sdcard/goodies/bootanimations/"bootanimationnamefolder"/"bootanimation.zip"

was gonna try reinstalling 4.2 because i know it was working before, but the link to download in your sig just loops me back to the forum any ideas?
I can't get fonts or live wallpaper to install. I am new to Jrummy rom. Coming from Adamz smoked glass.

-I downloaded and installed jrummy rom v1.0 that comes with kangerade scripts installed.

-Downloaded scripts to pc, unzipped file, put unzipped goodies on sd root.

-Tried to install font and live wallpaper via kangerade scripts app.

-Dialog says that it installed but it hasn't.

What am I doing wrong???

Thanks in advance. I've read all posts in this thread. Perhaps I'm just not understanding.
Thank you for the help.:heart:
I finally got it. It's really cool! Except the biowater one is a little short on the right side. But, I am not going to use that one any way.
Help with Kangerade v1.1

Hello all, maybe someone can give me some help with this as I'm not an expert.

I've been trying to install Kangerade v1.1 with Chevy 1.25lv kernel, also tried another one and I get the same result.

Once the install finishes and the phone reboots, it takes me to google sign in process, once that is done, it tells that the setup process has stop responding and the screen goes blank. If I reboot, it will never do, it gets stock on the Droid icon.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, gracias.:motdroidhoriz: