Keep the Incredible?


New Member
Jun 9, 2010
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I've purchased a Droid Incredible as my first smartphone on May 12 and so far, I'm really enjoying it. I haven't encountered any problems, and after comparing it to other phones on the market, it comes up pretty well. But the problem is, lately I've been hearing news about the Motorola Droid2 and the Motorola Xtreme, supposedly being released in July for Verizon. I don't know if I should return my Incredible, and wait until July to get a new phone, or keep my Incredible. My 30 days to take the phone back expires in a few days, and I cannot decide!
Well if you like it keep even if you get a droid2 or extreme or whatever, something else will be out 2 weeks later.. What if you return it and get one of the other ones then decide you liked the incredible better? Keep it for 2 years, by then we may be on the droid 16.3 or the droid supercalifragiousiexpiallifocious which runs Android Zagnut v 9.2
yep, neverending cycle.. new phones will always be released and one upped... just keep it.. its a solid phone.. unless you Need a keyboard..

i have no use for keys..... i would wait til the 4G phones come out.. thats a good time to upgrade.. new network and new phone.. there is nothing wrong with the INC.. i dont like the added bulk of phy. keys.. the INC is so sleek and thin and perfect.. i really cant believe people are so flighty about it...
If you are trying to always have the best phone on the market good luck, and I hope you have a lot of money to blow. As stated in the previous replies, there will be a better phone out every few months now because of the advances in tech.
Well if you like it keep even if you get a droid2 or extreme or whatever, something else will be out 2 weeks later.. What if you return it and get one of the other ones then decide you liked the incredible better? Keep it for 2 years, by then we may be on the droid 16.3 or the droid supercalifragiousiexpiallifocious which runs Android Zagnut v 9.2
aha lol

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I've had my INC since the launch date. I've lost track (and I actively follow this ****.) of how many new "better" phones have come out since then. I still love this phone and it still holds up and it will for quite a while. I had the same trepidation about trading in my Mdroid for the INC. At some point you have to realize you can't keep up with the fast pace of the mobile tech industry. I'm going to sit back and enjoy my phone, (and the new update 2.2 when it comes.) The stuff is moving way to fast to stay on top of it. Get something you like and enjoy for a while...
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If you like your incredible stick with it, every phone or any new tech for that reason will inevitably meet its end, all you can do is stick with it and when it gets rooted, believe me that'll give it a shot of new life once that happens...I myself bought the Droid when it first came out, first smartphone and will probably be my best ever, I'm in no rush to make way for a shadow or Droid 2, I say bring it on!
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I've had my INC since the launch date. I've lost track (and I actively follow this ****.) of how many new "better" phones have come out since then. I still love this phone and it still holds up and it will for quite a while. I had the same trepidation about trading in my Mdroid for the INC. At some you have to realize you can't keep up with the fast pace of the mobile tech industry. I'm going to sit back and enjoy my phone, (and the new update 2.2 when it comes.) The stuff is moving way to fast to stay on top of it. Get something you like and enjoy for a while...

I so agree....
If you don't want your Incredible send it my way!
I felt the same way.

I decided to keep the Incredible because switching to Sprint was a non starter for getting the EVO 4g. If you return the Incredible and take another Verizon phone, you will have to keep that phone as there is no second return once you return the Incredible. If there was a better phone than the Incredible out there, I would be on it. There is not so I am not. Also, if you want to switch, Incredibles are going for over $500 used on Ebay, sell it, pay your early term and move on. I don't see as much phone packaged so perfectly coming out soon on a good network. Iphone? We will see.
ya its hard to say, i feel i'm in the same boat, love the inc, but few things just irk me

i've got really strong desire to hook up the htc inc to big screen tv and play mario or other emulators on it with wii mote

oh wait, none of the wii mote programs work with htc sense ...

tv out cable... not available, my 30 days will be up long before their 45 day restocking+shipping
( no front camera isn't big deal if they can start getting the htc tv cable out, can turn phone backwards )

- wish htc would offer way to switch off sense, i really should email them, i have dozens of software improvements that should be tweaked

all in all, other than the moto droid handling 3D games better its the best droid, atm
- sandstorm + inc = fail :(

thou i got feeling the shadow hdmi cable will be easier to get my hands on

honestly i could flip a coin and go either way, keeping it or return to normal phone for 2 months
I've purchased a Droid Incredible as my first smartphone on May 12 and so far, I'm really enjoying it. I haven't encountered any problems, and after comparing it to other phones on the market, it comes up pretty well. But the problem is, lately I've been hearing news about the Motorola Droid2 and the Motorola Xtreme, supposedly being released in July for Verizon. I don't know if I should return my Incredible, and wait until July to get a new phone, or keep my Incredible. My 30 days to take the phone back expires in a few days, and I cannot decide!

LoL, I'm in the same boat my friend... I've decided to take mine back. Well, more so to the fact that my Incredible is having a continuous seizure.