Wow. Very nice guide. I thought my phone was fast before but after making these tweaks this thing is a BEAST!
No kidding. I went through and did most of what he recommended . . . fast as chit now!!
Wow. Very nice guide. I thought my phone was fast before but after making these tweaks this thing is a BEAST!
So I have noticed that since uninstalling ATK that my phone isn't as snappy as before when I closed stuff like the browser and snesoid and nesoid after using them. Especially in the messaging, it def seems to have a little lag. Might go back to it.
So I have noticed that since uninstalling ATK that my phone isn't as snappy as before when I closed stuff like the browser and snesoid and nesoid after using them. Especially in the messaging, it def seems to have a little lag. Might go back to it.
I wiped my X recently and followed this guide again, but did NOT use the auto-kill when screen is off suggestion.
idk, after all of the information I've read, the OP's take on task killings still seems like a more harm than good situation. If an app isn't in the foreground or making it's presence known (pandora, music, navigation, etc.) the app gets "frozen", so to speak (as long as I'm understanding correctly). There just doesn't seem to be a need for it. Also, I check my available memory with system panel, and I'll sometimes dip below 50 and everything will still run very smoothly.