When I initially started using Jrummy's roms a few weeks ago, I was dealing with the same stuff. I wound up going through and adjusting a bunch of settings that seemed to help out quite a bit. Scrolling animations, auto-brightness, and so on were turned off. I also got rid of some widgets that I rarely used. My battery currently will last me a normal day with a bit to spare by the end of the night. For whatever it's worth, I use my quite often throughout the day. I've had better battery life with older roms, no question, but I haven't had many issues making it through the day.
Heck, I'm just trying to make it through the night, not even using my phone!
I'm hoping that the new 5.0.9 might help some. Got it installed with Chevy ULV1.2 sitting at 400/1000 on demand right now, with sleep at 250/250.
I'll get her all charged up, and disable gps/wifi/sync again before bed and see what happens tonight.