Senior Member
sleep issues have been fixed and I believe jonpry is hot on the trail of having the sound issues fixed..dancedroid
This is great!!!!! Maybe it won't be much longer before we have a fully functional DD!!!
sleep issues have been fixed and I believe jonpry is hot on the trail of having the sound issues fixed..dancedroid
don't quote me on it but I believe I read the backups were compadible..guess it would be up to you to try..That's awesome. Getting ready to make the leap -- I don't remember if this issue was resolved: when I move up to Safestrap 2, should I assume that all previous backups are unusuable? Treat it like a full wipe and ROM reinstall?
Is it just me or are the links to Safe Strap 2.0 w/ kexec support for solana all DEAD! Can some one please mirror!
I'll be working on the kexec wifi issue all night (on a Friday).. where will you be? -- Hashcode (@Hashcode0f)